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 whistle-blower 添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] 告密者, 揭发者

    [ noun ]
    an informant who exposes wrongdoing within an organization in the hope of stopping it
    the law gives little protection to whistleblowers who feel the public has a right to know what is going onthe whistleblower was fired for exposing the conditions in mental hospitals

    1. Yours Faithfully, Louis Rex III As for Tom Paine (now fired as staffer from the Foreign Relations Committee), friends rallied to him as a Congressional whistle-blower.
    2. The whistle-blower has told police of other incidents, although he concedes that he has little evidence because he didn't save documents.
    3. Mulroney blamed an unidentified whistle-blower who he said leaked the budget to a television reporter.
    4. Under the so-called whistle-blower statute, the government decides if it believes the evidence in a case is compelling and, if so, it may then join in as a co-plaintiff.
    5. In the report, Waste Management takes credit for notifying regulators, but fails to give credit to a whistle-blower, later fired, for notifying the company.
    6. We applaud Mr. Thornburgh's action on the whistle-blower bill, and will look for further clarification of his views on how to protect the presidency.
    7. As well, the measure includes so-called "whistle-blower" protections to those drawing attention to major fraud.
    8. This whistle-blower has his limits.
    9. None of them loves a whistle-blower."
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