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 whippletree ['hwipltri:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 车前横木

    [ noun ]
    a crossbar that is attached to the traces of a draft horse and to the vehicle or implement that the horse is pulling

    Whippletree \Whip"ple*tree`\, n. [See {Whip}, and cf.
    1. The pivoted or swinging bar to which the traces, or tugs,
    of a harness are fastened, and by which a carriage, a
    plow, or other implement or vehicle, is drawn; a
    whiffletree; a swingletree; a singletree. See

    [People] cut their own whippletree in the woodlot.

    2. (Bot.) The cornel tree. --Chaucer.

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