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 wheeze [hwi:z]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 喘气

vt. 喘息着说

n. 喘气声, 喘息

[医] 喘鸣

    [ noun ]
    1. breathing with a husky or whistling sound

    2. <noun.act>
    3. (Briticism) a clever or amusing scheme or trick

    4. <noun.cognition>
      a clever wheeze probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat
    [ verb ]
    1. breathe with difficulty

    2. <verb.body>

    Wheeze \Wheeze\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Wheezed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Wheezing}.] [OE. whesen, AS. hw[=e]san (cf. Icel. hv[ae]sa
    to hiss, Sw. hv["a]sa, Dan. hv[ae]se); akin to AS. hw[=o]sta
    a cough, D. hoest, G. husten, OHG. huosto, Icel. h[=o]sti,
    Lith. kosti to cough, Skr. k[=a]s. [root]43. Cf. {Husky}
    To breathe hard, and with an audible piping or whistling
    sound, as persons affected with asthma. ``Wheezing lungs.''

    Wheeze \Wheeze\, n.
    1. A piping or whistling sound caused by difficult

    2. (Phon.) An ordinary whisper exaggerated so as to produce
    the hoarse sound known as the ``stage whisper.'' It is a
    forcible whisper with some admixture of tone.

    1. It is counter-productive to invent a new wheeze every other Tuesday.
    2. Will others now think this is a very good wheeze?
    3. Now the owners have come up with a splendid wheeze for throwing that profit away, and the result is business as usual. The choice, in other words, is between conspiracy and cock-up.
    4. The government's sudden interest in the idea of apprenticeships is not just a new vocational training wheeze.
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