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 were [wә:]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Were \Were\, v. t. & i.
    To wear. See 3d {Wear}. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    Were \Were\, n.
    A weir. See {Weir}. [Obs.] --Chaucer. Sir P. Sidney.

    Were \Were\, v. t. [AS. werian.]
    To guard; to protect. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    Were \Were\ (w[~e]r; 277). [AS. w[=ae]re (thou) wast, w[=ae]ron
    (we, you, they) were, w[=ae]re imp. subj. See {Was}.]
    The imperfect indicative plural, and imperfect subjunctive
    singular and plural, of the verb be. See {Be}.

    Were \Were\ (w[=e]r), n. [AS. wer; akin to OS. & OHG. wer, Goth.
    wa['i]r, L. vir, Skr. v[=i]ra. Cf. {Weregild}, and
    1. A man. [Obs.]

    2. A fine for slaying a man; the money value set upon a man's
    life; weregild. [Obs.]

    Every man was valued at a certain sum, which was
    called his were. --Bosworth.

    1. A rebel statement sent to Lisbon from Jamba said 86 government soldiers and 13 guerrillas were killed in the fighting that ended Jan. 3. It said the rebel forces sill held Mavinga.
    2. At the first Pan Am bankruptcy hearing, for example, at least five airlines were represented.
    3. No children in the sixth-grade classroom at Most Pure Heart of Mary School were hit.
    4. OH, BY THE WAY, the General Accounting Office, Congress's audit arm, says IRS computers were in good shape to process 1987 returns.
    5. But towards the end of the decade developers were taking a much more confident view of the city's prospects as its image improved.
    6. The earlier rallies, part of a nation-wide wave of student demonstrations, finally were crushed by the government.
    7. Strong results were recorded in its elevators, transport technology and maritime innovation divisions.
    8. Many forgeries were produced, most of which were printed by the authorities themselves.
    9. Many forgeries were produced, most of which were printed by the authorities themselves.
    10. Guenther Dahloff, an economic official of the West German Embassy, rose to say Mr. McPherson's concerns were just "a mirror image" of European concerns about U.S. trade policy, especially the huge new trade bill passed Wednesday.
    11. They were printed while Mrs. Sutcliffe was pursuing a libel case against the magazine for alleging she tried to cash in on her husband's notoriety by agreeing to sell her story to a newspaper.
    12. So if the market were to rise by 35 per cent and then fall back, the investor would have secured a 30 per cent gain.
    13. Col. Triumfo Augustin, constabulary commander in the area, estimated 20,000 people were homeless.
    14. One juvenile was in custody and warrants were issued for a second juvenile and Darryl Wilson, 22, of Denver, she said.
    15. If flight attendants do strike, the airline said it will keep flying, using about 2,000 managers trained as flight attendants were and 200 newly hired replacements.
    16. Eleven of the Channelview victims, including Davis, were employees of Austin Industries.
    17. About 180 miles north, about 200 people were evacuated from Coahoma County homes as a flood swept through their neighborhoods.
    18. Large companies continued to cut staff, while small companies were increasing the size of their workforce. However, employment expectations for the second quarter are improving.
    19. If he were brilliant, he probably would not be a family doctor in the first place.
    20. Two Arabs in Gaza City were stabbed and beaten by Palestinian activists on suspicion of cooperating with Israeli authorities.
    21. Pepsi in April withdrew its TV commercial featuring Madonna, saying consumers were confusing the music video with its ad, which contained no religious imagery.
    22. She said many people who know the two and their families were concerned about their well-being and think they are being dragged through the mud.
    23. Later attempts by two helicopters to reach the glacier were also unsuccessful, Ehret said.
    24. But Ginnie Maes and other mortgage-backed securities were unchanged to slightly higher, bolstered by demand associated with two large new offerings of Remics, or real estate mortgage investment conduits.
    25. We'll look forward to a visit." Edited highlights of the program were broadcast later Monday on the BBC's English-language World Services.
    26. By official count, about 200 people were killed and more than 1,700 others injured.
    27. "Maybe some of us were a little arrogant at times," conceded one Chase investment banker.
    28. Pravda described the accident scene as being one of "brief panic," but said medical workers from Moscow and nearby Gorky were immediately notified and asked for help.
    29. While many people, including Mr. Gorbachev and President Yeltsin, have been interviewed by the investigators, charges were lodged only against those who actually planned the coup and not those who supported it politically, Mr. Stepankov said.
    30. Rounding out the top 10 were Detroit, Boston, Dallas, Washington and Houston.
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