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 welders helmet 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. He admitted his son, an unemployed welder, has a history of alcohol and drug abuse.
    2. Then a welder, he fell 55 feet from a construction platform, surviving thanks to a steel girder that broke his fall midway.
    3. His father, a welder, said he first learned of his son's arrest when he returned home from work Monday. "It just doesn't make no sense," he said.
    4. The other welder was missing.
    5. Dan and Doris Ault, a welder and his wife from Quebec, are doing Acapulco on $40 (Canadian) a day.
    6. According to Subhi, the services were "distributing leaflets, writing graffiti, carrying money." He has worked as a welder and house painter, but said it would be difficult to find jobs in the economic shambles of Gaza.
    7. The 36-year-old welder took to the trail of needles like a hunter takes to footprints in the snow.
    8. Investigators believed sparks from a welder's torch ignited fumes rising from water that was mixed with volatile liquids, he said.
    9. Besides the opaque filters and welder's goggles used at the museum, simple pinhole cameras were set up to reflect the eclipse on the back wall of a box.
    10. On Sept. 6, an explosion aboard a Greek oil tanker undergoing repairs at a shipyard near Piraeus killed four workers and injured another 16. The blast was caused by gas fumes igniting in a fuel tank, possibly by a spark from a welder's torch.
    11. "It is my firm belief that the workers themselves would not allow it," said Grzegorz Szrejder, a 27-year-old welder active in Solidarity.
    12. He had been a welder in Mansfield, as much interested in crime as any other reader of crime stories, and at age 27 applied for the job of assistant executioner at Lincoln prison.
    13. I did that once when I was a welder in a shipyard." At age 71, Byrd is winding up 12 years as a leader of Senate Democrats, including six years as majority leader.
    14. "You always figure there's someone out there that could do it but doesn't think they could or hasn't had the opportunity," said Elliott, a former welder who believes ordinary people can present news as well as professionals.
    15. In the Jacksonville case, a female welder at the Jacksonville Shipyards alleged that a boys' club atmosphere, complete with pornographic pinups, created an environment offensive to women.
    16. Because we're the ones who get caught in between." Robert Carlyle Byrd, former butcher, grocer and shipyard welder, quietly relinquishes one of the most powerful elective offices in the nation this week.
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