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 waybill ['weibil]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乘客名单, 运货单

[经] 运货单, 乘客单

  1. Article114 The air waybill shall be made out by the shipper in three original parts and be handed over to the carrier with the cargo.
  2. Any terms of the contract which are different from the provisions of Articles119,120 and121 of this Law shall be expressly stated in the air waybill.
  3. This provision applies even when loading on board or shipment on a named vessel is indicated by pre-printed wording on the non-negotiable sea waybill.

[ noun ]
a receipt given by the carrier to the shipper acknowledging receipt of the goods being shipped and specifying the terms of delivery

Waybill \Way"bill`\, n.
A list of passengers in a public vehicle, or of the baggage
or gods transported by a common carrier on a land route. When
the goods are transported by water, the list is called a bill
of lading.

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