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 watertight ['wɒtәtait]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不透水的, 不漏水的, 无懈可击的

[化] 不透水的; 不漏水的

    [ adj ]
    1. not allowing water to pass in or out

    2. <adj.all>
    3. without flaws or loopholes

    4. <adj.all>
      an ironclad contract
      a watertight alibi
      a bulletproof argument

    1. But many other schemes launched in the next 12 months will not be so watertight.
    2. In the memo, Eye said there was no assurance clay seals in the pits were still watertight.
    3. As long as the lawyers have done their job, the SLC should be watertight.
    4. Higgins worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard from 1945 to 1965 as a "chipper and caulker," checking to make sure compartments on ships were welded correctly and watertight, said the family's attorney, Steven Phillips.
    5. Many analysts are happy to explain why they believe the dollar's rise is long overdue and well-justified, but watertight explanations have proven notoriously leaky in the past.
    6. The board said the Cougar's captain had failed to ensure that hatchcovers were watertight, that the bilge pump was operating properly and that rubber flaps designed to let water flow off the deck were correctly installed.
    7. A compensation scheme will bail out victims if there is fraud or misconduct. The catch is that a watertight system is expensive to run, and it is much cheaper to leave some loopholes.
    8. In this life, however, it is the most watertight of Shakespeare's comedies.
    9. Like other U.S. ships, the Jack Williams still maintains a wartime condition called "modified Zebra,"' in which watertight doors and hatches can be sealed off in seconds.
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