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 walleye   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 角膜白斑, 白眼, 散开性斜视

[医] 角膜白斑, 散开性斜视, 外斜视

    [ noun ]
    1. strabismus in which one or both eyes are directed outward

    2. <noun.state>
    3. pike-like freshwater perches

    4. <noun.animal>

    1. Once virtually unheard of except at the local level, walleye tournaments are big business across the western two-thirds of the country.
    2. "The whole thing fed on itself," said Mr. Gibbs. "The more it was promoted by the professionals up north, the more fishermen became interested in walleye fishing.
    3. Large-mouth bass, crappie and walleye never left the upper Ohio completely and now are thriving in numbers to attract aficionados of sport fishing.
    4. While walleye can be caught all year, even through the ice in winter, spring is when the fishing really can get good.
    5. "I'd say one reason walleye fishing is growing, at least here in Kansas, is because it's getting easier for people to catch them," said Mr. Rader.
    6. You're seeing a lot more magazine articles and books on walleye fishing than ever before." Mr. Gibbs's Outdoor Life is a prime example.
    7. The tournament circuit, he said, has debunked the idea that walleye are only caught at night.
    8. The walleye run begins in fall, as the fish move to staging areas in the deepest holes they can find.
    9. Environmentally, it's feared huge colonies of zebra mussels on rocks and shoals will disrupt fish spawning, especially walleye and lake trout.
    10. Hundreds of dead shad, walleye and perch washed ashore as far away as a half-mile from the tanker, said Terry Walkington, a department spokesman.
    11. But the fact is that little rod, the one with the black plastic reel, hauled in this big 7-pound walleye to give 20-month-old Katie a successful Fishing Opener Weekend.
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