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 vodka ['vɒdkә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 伏特加酒

[化] 伏特加酒

    [ noun ]
    unaged colorless liquor originating in Russia

    Vodka \Vod"ka\, n. [Russ.]
    A Russian drink distilled from rye.

    1. But Grand Met is confident it can do for Totino's frozen pizza, the Jolly Green Giant and Haagen Dazs what it has already done for Absolut vodka, Baileys Original Irish Cream and an ailing chain of British steakhouses called Berni Inn.
    2. The company took its profits out in vodka, selling it through a third party in the United States.
    3. It said wine, vodka and tobacco goods would continue to be sold at current, state-fixed prices.
    4. Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev launched a tough anti-drinking campaign in 1985 that included a reduction in vodka production and stiff price increases for liquor.
    5. The vodka is neither Russian nor Polish, but comes from Finland; and for the privilege of feeling you might be just about anywhere, you will pay the equivalent of a Romanian citizen's monthly salary.
    6. But can the Tanqueray name sell vodka, too?
    7. The policy governing the sale of distilled liquors, such as vodka, has not changed.
    8. Schieffelin's Mr. Kavanagh says the company toyed with several vodka concepts before settling on a Tanqueray brand.
    9. The refugees, mainly skilled workers in their 20s and 30s, said they celebrated with beer, vodka and music after they first got hints of the deal from West German radio broadcasts.
    10. It was the Soviets who taught Mongolians to eat potatoes and bread and drink vodka with their traditional mutton.
    11. Throughout 1985, Mr. Gorbachev's vision of the future seemed to be restricted to a return to discipline and to a rejection of vodka.
    12. It considered importing an Alaskan vodka, "since Alaska was settled by Russians," he says, but abandoned that idea after finding that Alaska has no distilleries, "and we'd have to make up the heritage."
    13. "Part of the defense has been the claim of involuntary intoxication," defense attorney William Summers told reporters, explaining the significance of testimony that a friend gave Mahoney a cocktail of Diet Pepsi and vodka.
    14. 'Too much vodka last night, sonny, now look what you have done with your cholesterol.
    15. In a news release, Pepsico said its Pepsi plants in the Soviet Union will increase to 50 from the current 24. It said it planned to pay for that expansion with proceeds from vodka sales.
    16. They claimed Soviet producers could not call their product vodka because the drink had first been marketed elsewhere well before the Soviet monopoly was established in 1923, following an early post-revolutionary ban.
    17. During the evening, T'Souvas apparently refused to share a bottle of vodka with his companions, police said.
    18. Flour made from tiny, nutty buckwheat seeds and raised with yeast produces blinis which, when teamed with the roe of that fish and tots of vodka, make a memorable feast.
    19. The British conglomerate's consumer brands in those three fields includes Green Giant foods, Haagen Dazs ice cream, Smirnoff vodka, Alpo pet food and Pearle Vision Centers.
    20. A mailman accused of fatally shooting a dog named Skippy allegedly opened fire as the dog's owner was headed outside to give the mailman a bottle of vodka for Christmas, police said.
    21. The North American increase was almost wholly due to a one-off payment of around Pounds 17m on the termination of US distribution rights for Absolut vodka. GrandMet said IDV's longer-term prospects were better than at any time in the past decade.
    22. The company has tried to make use of advances in technology for other magazine ads in the past, including singing and talking microchips for another of its products, Absolut vodka.
    23. Hiram Walker and its partner plan to produce 30,000 cases of locally-bottled Teacher's whisky and another 30,000 of blends with locally-made alcohol. IDV is considering local production of Smirnoff vodka, Gilbey's gin and at least one whisky.
    24. The figure is equivalent to what Soviets spend on vodka, what American companies spend on cigarette advertisement in a year and 10 percent of the European Community's annual agriculture subsidy.
    25. Callers hear a few gags, then some vodka recipes and party-giving tips.
    26. Witnesses reported that he drank vodka, but how much he drank and at what hour remained in dispute.
    27. They cart to West Berln everything from caviar smuggled out of the Soviet Union to farm fresh eggs and bacon, untaxed cigarettes and Polish vodka.
    28. The air was thick with the smells of dogs, stale vodka and sweat. Nor had the reforms managed to get rid of the special waiting room for foreigners - a world of incredible comfort far removed from the din, grime, and chaos of the rest of the terminal.
    29. Odds and Ends SABLE & Rosenfeld Foods Ltd., Toronto, is marketing carrot sticks laced with vodka.
    30. "C.J. Wray will do to rum what Absolut did to vodka.
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