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 vocabulary [vә'kæbjulәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 词汇(量), 词汇表

[计] 词表

    [ noun ]
    1. a listing of the words used in some enterprise

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a language user's knowledge of words

    4. <noun.cognition>
    5. the system of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression (as in arts or crafts)

    6. <noun.cognition>
      he introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques

    Vocabulary \Vo*cab"u*la*ry\ (v[-o]*k[a^]b"[-u]*l[asl]*r[y^]),
    n.; pl. {Vocabularies}. [LL. vocabularium, vocabularius: cf.
    F. vocabulaire. See {Vocable}.]
    1. A list or collection of words arranged in alphabetical
    order and explained; a dictionary or lexicon, either of a
    whole language, a single work or author, a branch of
    science, or the like; a word-book.

    Note: The ``vocabulary'' of this dictionary referred to
    within the definitions of certain collocations are
    those words serving as headwords for main entries, and
    distinguished from word combinations (``collocations'')
    which follow the main part of certain entries. In the
    XML-tagged version, these headwords are marked by the

    1. He died in 1915 when he was halfway through the letter `S.' The new edition also has been computerized, with the vocabulary of English since 1150 A.D. on a single data base to be available by home computer.
    2. The Mother Country sends a garrison, led by the vociferous Brigadier Culpepper whose head is stuffed with the manners and vocabulary of the Great War. But the colonial regime is short-lived.
    3. Mr. Wilson's ear for the speech of black Americans is unfailing: his rhythms, inflections and vocabulary capture perfectly not only regionalisms but the rich verbal lore of his characters.
    4. Who were the WE in We The People when We The People entered the American vocabulary?
    5. Despite her ailment, Ogechi has developed normally, doctors said. She weighs a robust 35 pounds, walks and rides a tricycle for exercise and has a relatively advanced vocabulary.
    6. A whole new vocabulary of buzz words has developed.
    7. Whether the quarry is Dan Quayle's draft status or Clarence Thomas's vocabulary, the pack tends to lose its common sense and sense of fairness.
    8. The artist clearly has his own vision, but hasn't yet been able to create a new musical vocabulary to express it.
    9. "Earnings will re-enter the vocabulary with Delta very shortly," he said, possibly as soon as the June quarter.
    10. Perhaps articles such as Mr. Perrin's will help to get across the message that profanity is just a sad excuse for a poor vocabulary.
    11. Edur is superb, an Apollonian premier danseur who uses the classical vocabulary as his native tongue, and can speak of feeling as well as of the beauties of academic propriety.
    12. Empowerment was not in his vocabulary. Unfortunately history has repeatedly proved that a combination of being armed to the teeth and devious is more likely to allow you to achieve your objectives.
    13. "In fact, that number is just not in my vocabulary.
    14. It allows me to go back to typing and editing my work." The system adjusts to each user's voice and vocabulary because individual voices can vary widely.
    15. They are ingrained in the securities vocabulary.
    16. It took no vocabulary in the finer points of piano technique to delight in the great artist's playing.
    17. I don't encourage that, but I'm sure it's there." The 39-year-old Mr. Shaw says his thrift-shop collection does not have much impact on his own work, which draws on the vocabulary of comics, baseball cards, psychedelia and other low-art forms.
    18. They must adjust to a whole new vocabulary of building. Previous invasions were marred by an irritating attitude of taking civilisation to the natives.
    19. The Tunisian government appears confident that it is getting many things right, not least its vocabulary. To western ears, the language sounds reassuringly familiar.
    20. Reagan said Ailey had "brought a new vocabulary to American dance." _ Comedian George Burns, who starred with his wife, Gracie Allen, in the Burns and Allen comedy show on radio and television from 1932 to 1958.
    21. "That can be a terrible trap to fall into," he said. "I am very fortunate to have a wide musical vocabulary.
    22. Mrs. Marshall, a former missionary in Zaire and wife of a minister, said: "We've sought a different vocabulary for dealing with a very complex subject.
    23. He has accused Bucaram of having a "whorehouse vocabulary" and being a "fascist ignoramus." Borja's party, which espouses a social democratic ideology, is the country's largest, and he is favored to win in most public opinion polls.
    24. The score of "Cinderella," it's true, is by a real composer, Sergei Prokofiev, and the movement is derived from the noble vocabulary of classical ballet.
    25. New York Telephone Co. discovered last year that 84 percent of its New York City applicants flunked the company's entry-level exam, which included basic questions on vocabulary and numerical relationships.
    26. Velcro, a fabric with a surface of clinging pile, is "a very big word in our vocabulary," said the show's supervising costume designer, Joseph Aulisi.
    27. Penumbra, which means "a space of partial illumination," was one of the vocabulary words during a morning reading lesson, made more difficult by burned-out light bulbs.
    28. It's part of Alvin's vocabulary these dancers had never visited.
    29. They are surrounded by 25 other children who speak French as badly as they do." Hammerly cited a study indicating that 52 percent of simple sentences written by immersion students had one or more errors in grammar or vocabulary.
    30. That vocabulary, while necessarily flavored both by Ms. Plisetskaya's Soviet schooling and her vivid personality, is remarkably conservative, stressing control rather than display, authority rather than bravura.
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