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 vivacity [vi'væsiti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 快活, 活泼, 精神充沛

    [ noun ]
    characterized by high spirits and animation

    Vivacity \Vi*vac"i*ty\, n. [L. vivicitas: cf. F. vivacit['e].]
    The quality or state of being vivacious. Specifically:
    (a) Tenacity of life; vital force; natural vigor. [Obs.]

    The vivacity of some of these pensioners is little
    less than a miracle, they lived so long. --Fuller.
    (b) Life; animation; spiritedness; liveliness; sprightliness;
    as, the vivacity of a discourse; a lady of great
    vivacity; vivacity of countenance.

    Syn: Liveliness; gayety. See {Liveliness}.

    1. It loses some vivacity by hiving off its fringe, Artrage, to another part of the year, and although it makes obvious financial sense to share overseas arts troupes with Adelaide - 16 events featured at both festivals - it lessens its impact.
    2. I loved the sextet from Napoli, done with southern vivacity, and was charmed by Sandrine Henault's exquisite feet in the Flower Festival in Genzano duet: every step was diamond-cut.
    3. In neither book do we quite find why, though Bach's 600 well-researched pages are written with wit and vivacity. He tunes in to Dietrich's camp charm and the absurdist cul-de-sacs of her (best) movie plots.
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