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 violinist [,vaiә'linist]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小提琴演奏者, 小提琴家

    [ noun ]
    a musician who plays the violin

    Violinist \Vi`o*lin"ist\, n. [Cf. F. violiniste, violoniste, It.
    A player on the violin.

    1. The resort homes of other celebrities, like violinist Yehudi Menuhin and actor Roger Moore are also close by.
    2. A judge said he was sending "a warning to landlords" when he sentenced a Russian emigre violinist to 15 years to life in prison for hiring arsonists to burn an occupied apartment house he owned.
    3. Thank Isaac Stern, the virtuoso violinist who has been president of the New York concert hall for the past 30 years.
    4. And he was a violinist.
    5. "We have nothing here, no meat, not even sausage," said Alexander Dusman, a violinist with the city's symphony orchestra.
    6. Zadora, a child of a violinist, was 6 when she appeared in the Broadway production of "Midgie Purvis."
    7. Among the performers at Friday night's show were Madonna, violinist Joshua Bell, and singers Rod Stewart, Sarah Brightman and Toni Childs.
    8. A violinist himself, Elgar not surprisingly wrote particularly well for strings.
    9. New guests include Neil Young, "Saturday Night Live" guitarist G.E. Smith and former Bob Dylan violinist Scarlet Rivera.
    10. Leaders of big business have joined festival president Sir Yehudi Menuhin, the violinist, to launch a $16 million trust fund to support the festival.
    11. The tone of violinist Isidore Cohen has got wirier and less supple over the years, that of the cellist Peter Wiley is less assertive than that of his predecessor in the group Bernard Greenhouse.
    12. Maazel made his debut Thursday night as music director of the 100-member orchestra, which he first joined in his teens as a full-time violinist and apprentice conductor.
    13. Virtuoso violinist Henryk Szeryng died today in West Germany, where he was on a concert tour.
    14. Ideally, he says, "there'd be an expert on Aztec art living on one side and a talented violinist on the other." Atala Mansour is one of the 156,000 Palestinians who stayed in 1948 and now hold Israeli citizenship, along with their descendants.
    15. As for the Gould Trio, their phrasing lacks firmness, and their violinist is slipshod.
    16. Then on Dec. 3 it's an evening of violin concerti with violinist Gidon Kremer and his chamber orchestra, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie of Frankfurt.
    17. "With him goes a spectacular, special era in American music making," said violinist Isaac Stern, who paused after his 70th birthday tribute at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia on Sunday to remember his friend of 47 years.
    18. He then joined his wife, violinist Yuuko Shiokawa, and cellist Boris Pergamenschikow for a trio or two.
    19. Michael Young's father was an Australian violinist who turned music critic.
    20. Be happy." The logo of Steven Bochco's new production company, making its debut in the fall, will be an animated 50-year-old picture of his violinist father.
    21. Crumb intended to be a violinist, but had to give up when an accident put her arm in plaster for two years.
    22. At times, his left hand trembled like a violinist's vibrato, and the tension he elicited from the strings became almost unbearable.
    23. The post-Tchaikovsky Prize publicity painted the Denver-born violinist as an atypical classical musician, a young all-American Western male who grew up on a ranch and loved to ride, jog and swim.
    24. Shemp was second banana - stooge - to comedian Ted Healy, and enlisted his brother Moe and violinist Larry Fine into the act. Their film debut was in 1930.
    25. Gil Shaham, a young violinist summoned from school in New York City to replace veteran Itzhak Perlman at two London concerts, won plaudits from the audience and flowers from the orchestra.
    26. Among his students was the violinist Elmar Oliveira.
    27. The other winners announced Thursday were violinist Alexander Schneider and Roger L. Stevens, founding chairman of the Kennedy Center.
    28. Mrs. Keiss-Kuna's sister, Anna Rosnovsky, immigrated to Israel 14 years ago and is a violinist in the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra.
    29. 'Nigel Kennedy is a seriously good violinist, but he was attacked as soon as he became successful. 'No one has actually said Pavarotti is a bad singer.
    30. The reduced suite from Stravinsky's Soldier's Tale, with a terrific violinist in Anthony Marwood, fairly crackled.
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