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 villein ['vilein]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 隶农

    [ noun ]
    (Middle Ages) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord

    Villein \Vil"lein\, n. (Feudal Law)
    See {Villain}, 1.

    Villain \Vil"lain\, n. [OE. vilein, F. vilain, LL. villanus,
    from villa a village, L. villa a farm. See {Villa}.]
    1. (Feudal Law) One who holds lands by a base, or servile,
    tenure, or in villenage; a feudal tenant of the lowest
    class, a bondman or servant. [In this sense written also
    {villan}, and {villein}.]

    If any of my ansectors was a tenant, and a servant,
    and held his lands as a villain to his lord, his
    posterity also must do so, though accidentally they
    become noble. --Jer. Taylor.

    Note: Villains were of two sorts; villains regardant, that
    is, annexed to the manor (LL. adscripti gleb[ae]); and
    villains in gross, that is, annexed to the person of
    their lord, and transferable from one to another.

    2. A baseborn or clownish person; a boor. [R.]

    Pour the blood of the villain in one basin, and the
    blood of the gentleman in another, what difference
    shall there be proved? --Becon.

    3. A vile, wicked person; a man extremely depraved, and
    capable or guilty of great crimes; a deliberate scoundrel;
    a knave; a rascal; a scamp.

    Like a villain with a smiling cheek. --Shak.

    Calm, thinking villains, whom no faith could fix.

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