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 victory ['viktәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 胜利, 战胜, 克服

    [ noun ]
    a successful ending of a struggle or contest
    a narrow victorythe general always gets credit for his army's victory
    clinched a victory
    convincing victory
    the agreement was a triumph for common sense

    Victory \Vic"to*ry\, n.; pl. {Victories}. [OE. victorie, OF.
    victorie, victoire, F. victoire, L. victoria. See {Victor}.]
    The defeat of an enemy in battle, or of an antagonist in any
    contest; a gaining of the superiority in any struggle or
    competition; conquest; triumph; -- the opposite of {defeat}.

    Death is swallowed up in victory. --1 Cor. xv.

    God on our side, doubt not of victory. --Shak.

    Victory may be honorable to the arms, but shameful to
    the counsels, of a nation. --Bolingbroke.

    1. But with yesterday's victory by Henlys in the battle of the motor traders - following hot on the heels of Manders' successful defence against fellow paint maker Kalon - the predators' lot is not proving an easy one.
    2. But any Dukakis strategy without the South would require an electoral shift of historic proportions for a Democratic victory in November.
    3. Such a sermon could win converts, but it would not guarantee victory.
    4. The FCC did not rule on whether Tariff 15 was legal at the time it was filed, which AT&T construed as a victory.
    5. Catholic Europe was celebrating William's victory because it meant that England would enter the war on the side of the anti-Louis coalition.
    6. The firm, which is handling several friendly acquisitions, has gained its first "victory" in a contested takeover.
    7. His victory appeared to mark the end of 31 years of Tutsi domination, although he was careful to include members of the minority tribe in his government.
    8. The only faster knockouts in heavyweight title history were Jim Jeffries' 55-second victory over Jack Finnegin in 1900, Michael Dokes' 1:03 win over Mike Weaver in 1982 and Tommy Burns' 1:28 defeat of Jem Roche in 1908.
    9. Inside the hotel, however, she feels protected by the presence of UN troops who are billeted there. The RPF victory has sounded the clarion call for the Tutsi diaspora to return home.
    10. Last year, Canada's constitutional referendum coincided with the Blue Jays' victory parade, after the baseball players became the first non-US team to win the World Series.
    11. The 8-6 ruling marked a victory for David Norris, an Irish homosexual and advocate of homosexual rights who filed the case.
    12. An HSBC victory would produce a better capitalised bank than Lloyds combined with Midland.
    13. Andrus is driven by his slim 3,600-vote victory in 1986.
    14. The Iraqi leader proclaimed the gulf war a great Iraqi victory, even though it was pretty much a draw brought about by mutual exhaustion.
    15. And, although it initially trumpeted the ruling as a victory, Citicorp is also seeking to have part of the ruling reversed.
    16. Blum was arrested in a dispute with police at Riverfront Stadium immediately after the Cincinnati Reds' 5-4 victory over the Oakland Athletics.
    17. But the final resolution thanked the local Citizens Committees, which helped Solidarity to its overwhelming election victory, and said they should help prepare for free municipal elections, a Solidarity goal.
    18. This is true for Lane Kirkland." With the acknowledgement of Dukakis' win-to-come _ but still without a formal endorsement _ Jackson still appeared a little bitter that his path-breaking efforts did not result in victory.
    19. "We're rarin' to go," declared British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the euphoria of her stunning 101-seat victory in Thursday's general election.
    20. The Washington Naval Conference between the wars proved an illusory victory for peace.
    21. This victory owes its heart to two great heroes: Alexander Dubcek - 22 years ago he led this nation in its first sweet taste of liberty.
    22. Sri Lanka's ruling party won an overwhelming victory in local council elections, and President Premadasa said the results were a vote of confidence for his embattled government.
    23. Gore, one of four recent opponents to endorse Dukakis, said the Massachusetts governor "is going to carry our party to victory in November.
    24. It also was the first serious political setback for Roh since he took office on Feb. 25 with a narrow victory in December's presidential elections.
    25. Most important, he has avoided a humiliating defeat in the state that eight years ago provided him with his largest margin of victory.
    26. Bank of New York had hoped that a victory in the proxy fight would enable it to remove Irving's anti-takeover measure and merge the two banks.
    27. Rep. Florio decried what he said was a "secret deal" representing more "a retreat than a victory."
    28. Nawaz Sharif, whose backers shared in a landslide victory in the Oct. 24 parliamentary elections, was assured the prime minister's post after receiving the nomination from 18 parties comprising the Islamic Democratic Alliance.
    29. And, of course, since Mr. Castro's victory, U.S. vulnerability and the risks of confrontation with the Soviets have increased.
    30. Vice President George Bush enters the home stretch of the presidential campaign with victory clearly in his grasp.
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