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 vicissitudes   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Articles should focus not on the vicissitudes of earnings and sales, but on the sources of free cash flows that are the determinants of value.
    2. The membership of the shadow cabinet was decided earlier this week by the votes and vicissitudes of Labour MPs.
    3. Whatever comfort the Japanese and Germans draw from that is outweighed by the vicissitudes they have visited upon themselves by their uncooperativeness.
    4. Rather, it's that none of the deals ended or even limited the government's exposure to mismanagement by the new owners, hidden losses on real estate in the past or the vicissitudes of the real-estate markets in the future.
    5. "This would encourage farmers to take on more debt, leaving them more vulnerable to the vicissitudes of weather, the general economy and international markets," he said.
    6. 'You could use subsidiarity to undermine common policies in areas like the environment.' The minister concedes that this year's vicissitudes have made him more cautious.
    7. The drawings chronicle the vicissitudes of everyday life: the departure of Herakles (a mortal hero) for Olympus; Hypnos (sleep) and Thanatos (death) carrying the body of Sarpedon; athletes; putting on armor; a concert.
    8. The goal, said Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, was "to protect our employees from the vicissitudes of the stock market."
    9. In spite of so many vicissitudes of fortune it has hung in there, bearing the brunt of the action.
    10. Mr Clinton was elected to give priority to US domestic problems and economic interests, and if anything his determination to do that has been strengthened by the vicissitudes of the last year.
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