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 viability [,vaiә'biliti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 生存能力, 发育能力

[医] [生]活[能]力, 生机

[经] 生存力, 活力

    [ noun ]
    1. (of living things) capable of normal growth and development

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. capable of being done in a practical and useful way

    4. <noun.attribute>

    Viability \Vi`a*bil"i*ty\, n.
    The quality or state of being viable. Specifically:
    (a) (Law) The capacity of living after birth. --Bouvier.
    (b) The capacity of living, or being distributed, over wide
    geographical limits; as, the viability of a species.

    1. No other candidate this year has attained such high marks for visibility, desirability and viability.
    2. It also announced the appointment of a blue-ribbon panel to ensure its future financial viability.
    3. "The markets became concerned about the political viability of maintaining policies which had been successful up to now," said Mr. Brainard.
    4. The company had intended to announce a refinancing package, including a Pounds 6m rights issue. Waterglade said it would make an announcement about its own viability on October 19.
    5. Moreover, Mr. Lockhart said, "We're convinced that it has the viability to afford these plans."
    6. An inquiry into the Trafford Centre in 1988 found that it would not cause 'unacceptable harm to the regeneration of the conurbation or to the vitality and viability of any existing town centre'.
    7. Our financial institutions and their viability are being called into question, and most importantly, there is an imminent possibility of military action of enormous consequence.
    8. The problem was few people gave much thought to the long-term viability of combined businesses.
    9. Earlier this month, five other inner-city parishes were ordered to close after failing to show their viability during a one-year reprieve.
    10. It took about six months for the first Disney Store to prove its viability after it opened in the Glendale Galleria in April 1987. Disney is making no promises regarding the restaurants.
    11. And unless there was a sharp rise in the eastern German industrial sector the viability of Veag and Laubag could be undermined.
    12. In addition to normal viability studies, CVRD was forced to undertake additional research to address concerns expressed by potential buyers about the material's peculiar characteristics.
    13. 'Simply to help developers generate products for the environment and to reduce the volume of speculation about what we were doing,' he says. So the debate about the viability of the market will continue.
    14. A net deficit of NKr4.3bn is projected, and there are doubts about the future economic viability of many Olympic sites.
    15. In its proposal to the auto makers, the union has asked them to keep all their current employees on the job, and pay them full wages and benefits unless there is a severe threat to the viability of the company.
    16. Whatever our choices, the viability of the Social Security system for the baby-boom generation and future generations is at stake.
    17. The aim is to try to keep the mine viable until new areas, in the south of the mine, can be opened up. In terms of capital expenditure, Mr Munro said that on the profitable mines they were doing what was necessary to maintain their viability.
    18. "We strongly believe that the economic issues remaining in this labor dispute with the WGA are directly related to the long-term viability of the television industry," ABC Entertainment President Brandon Stoddard said through a spokeswoman.
    19. As part of the omnibus farm program of 1985, the sugar program is intended to ensure viability of an industry that provides a necessary food product to American consumers.
    20. The original pilots union petition accused Eastern and Texas Air of threatening Eastern's financial viability by "downsizing," including the planned sale of Eastern's lucrative shuttle operations to New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump.
    21. If the economic demands of the unions were conceded wages would have a share of 55 per cent of production total costs, striking at the industry's viability.
    22. Critics have questioned the viability of the autonomous region, saying that the four provinces are among the poorest in the country, lack adequate communications and transportation, and are not even contiguous.
    23. There is no longer a question about the viability of open systems.' Nick Earle, HP's computer systems marketing manager, says the shift was even later.
    24. As long as we continue to run a federal deficit in the neighborhood of $150 billion a year, the future viability of Social Security is also in jeopardy.
    25. Electro-Biology Inc. said a federal judge in Dallas indicated he would issue a favorable ruling for the company in a patent-infringement suit against American Medical Electronics Inc., whose viability was threatened as a result.
    26. The legislation says the policy is designed to "maximize the long-term viability of the thrift industry at the lowest cost" to the FSLIC by giving S&Ls breathing room until property values recover.
    27. We agree with the emerging consensus that STET would seriously, and perhaps irreversibly, damage the competitive viability of the U.S. securities markets and its financial institutions.
    28. In the 16 years since that court decision, advances in treatment have lowered the age of viability for premature infants by a full month.
    29. The anti-abortion forces also wanted to limit abortions before fetal viability to cases of rape or incest or to protect the woman's health.
    30. The government said IMC had failed to increase its non-Medicare business to 50% of the total, as required by federal regulation, to demonstrate commercial viability.
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