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 verified ['verifɑid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 经证实的

  1. The computer verified whether the data was loaded correctly.
  2. The truth verified the allegations.

[ adj ]
proved to be true
a verified claim

Verify \Ver"i*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Verified}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Verifying}.] [F. v['e]rifier, LL. verificare, from L.
verus true + -ficare to make. See {Very}, and -fy.]
1. To prove to be true or correct; to establish the truth of;
to confirm; to substantiate.

This is verified by a number of examples. --Bacon.

So shalt thou best fulfill, best verify.
The prophets old, who sung thy endless reign.

2. To confirm or establish the authenticity of by examination
or competent evidence; to authenticate; as, to verify a
written statement; to verify an account, a pleading, or
the like.

To verify our title with their lives. --Shak.

3. To maintain; to affirm; to support. [Obs.] --Shak.

  1. The feat at Hamilton to be verified by Guiness Book officials before it would replace the previous record.
  2. The war, the most recent verified use of chemical arms, was obliquely referred to by other speakers.
  3. The woman, whose name was not immediately available, also verified Barroso's statement about the order to turn back.
  4. The urine samples were tested by the sheriff's office; the results were verified by an independent laboratory.
  5. The rebel claims could not be independently verified.
  6. Redman said the United States verified the alleged Libyan activities only recently, but he provided no information on type of weapons Libya is developing nor did he say how U.S. officials learned of the operations.
  7. Roadblocks near Rabta and missiles around it had been removed, according to the report, which could not be independently verified.
  8. Blakey, a former Justice Department lawyer who worked for the House committee that investigated Kennedy's assassination, said congressional investigators in the 1970s verified Exner's reports of her affair with Kennedy.
  9. Harley verified earlier reports that the FBI used a fictitious organization referred to as the Alpha Group based in Atlanta as a business front.
  10. She and her partner say four musicologists have verified their contention that the verses of "Pepino" and "Agita" are nearly identical.
  11. Moscow wants to include them in a treaty but Washington refuses, saying compliance could not be reliably verified.
  12. No information about the Committee was available, and its claim to have set the fire could not be verified.
  13. An industry executive said the talks between McKesson and Alco Health were friendly, and that McKesson would soon launch a tender offer for all of Alco Health's stock if inquiries verified Alco Health's financial condition.
  14. This edition is the first to be computer verified.
  15. The report on the air raids could not be independently verified because observers are banned from areas of conflict.
  16. The casualty toll could not be verified.
  17. Reeve's statement listed eight customers who were verified as having deposited money that was not in their accounts and another six who had been identified by Gibraltar, and said the list may grow.
  18. "All totals are statistically correct and can be verified, trust us," Poretz and Sinrod say.
  19. Both Perle and Rogers questioned whether Soviet compliance with the new treaty could be adequately verified.
  20. Labor leaders maintain that the government of President Roh Tae-woo is more repressive than past authoritarian regimes and has unfairly imprisoned more than 200 union activists since taking office in 1988, a figure which could not be verified.
  21. Law enforcement officials said they haven't verified allegations by intelligence sources and news reports that Lt.
  22. It also advocates management reporting - verified by auditors - on the effectiveness of internal controls. The reform package suggests that the institute leadership accepts change is necessary.
  23. On Monday, Pons told a news conference in Salt Lake City that more than 60 university and private laboratories partly verified the claims he made last month with Fleischmann.
  24. If the finding is verified in other laboratories, Hoffman said it would explain why even T4 lymphocytes that are not actually infected by the AIDS virus are, nonetheless, often unable to fight disease in a patient.
  25. The report could not be independently verified.
  26. The claim could not be verified.
  27. The authenticity of the document could not be independently verified, but previous documents released by the organization have proved generally reliable.
  28. Nature, in an April 27 edition that contained several articles on fusion, speculated that the Utah experiment is fatally flawed and will never be verified.
  29. But claims of the losses they inflicted on Khomeini's troops could not be verified and were believed to be exaggerated.
  30. The claim couldn't be verified.
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