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 unwitting [,ʌn'witiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不知情的, 没有意识到的, 不知不觉的

    [ adj ]
    1. not aware or knowing

    2. <adj.all>
      an unwitting subject in an experiment
    3. not done with purpose or intent

    4. <adj.all>
      an unintended slight
      an unintentional pun
      the offense was unintentional
      an unwitting mistake may be overlooked
    5. unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge

    6. <adj.all>
      he was completely ignorant of the circumstances
      an unknowledgeable assistant
      his rudeness was unwitting

    Unwitting \Un*wit"ting\, a.
    Not knowing; unconscious; ignorant. -- {Un*wit"ting*ly}, adv.

    1. Allegations that Norway had an unwitting role in producing nuclear weaponry proved embarrassing for a nation known as the distributor of the Nobel Peace Prize.
    2. In this case, the shrinking man is a daring but drunken test pilot played by Dennis Quaid and the unwitting recipient is a Walter Mitty-like supermarket clerk played by Short.
    3. Mr. Willcox said Mr. Mitchell, the former congressman, wasn't implicated in the alleged scheme, and called him "an unwitting victim."
    4. Mr. Baker's unwitting accomplice in molding conciliation among Palestinians seems to be Ariel Sharon, Israel's hawkish minister of housing who was officially snubbed last week in Washington.
    5. Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train," the aspiring writer proposes a Hitchcockian double murder, and ensnares the unwitting professor in his plot.
    6. It may provide the only break for prosecutors considering charges against Stuart's brother, who says he was an unwitting accomplice.
    7. What Mr. James says he hadn't realized was that his own company had become an unwitting player in Mr. Bull's global arms game.
    8. We ourselves don't' So you could find yourself in 20 years the unwitting father of some monstrous project? 'I hope not.
    9. For the unwitting potential student, the important thing to understand is where institutions are coming from: in particular how their research traditions (or lack of them) inform the content of their courses and the style of their teaching.
    10. Independent schools no longer have the region's traditional immunity from recession to help them, or even the left-wing Inner London Education Authority as an unwitting accomplice.
    11. Here's a list of other baseball movies that are available on video: "College" (1927): Buster Keaton as the unwitting jock who tries to woe the love of his life through sports.
    12. It also became an unwitting symbol of apartheid, for Putco, with government subsidies, provides the link between the townships and tribal homelands where blacks are forced to live, and the big cities where many of them work.
    13. How far that is the unwitting consequence of public policies over the past decade is hard to tell.
    14. Look around." Many well-meaning people, bent on doing right by their community, became unwitting accomplices in passing along the story.
    15. According to the report, the commission did not rule out involvement of an unspecified foreign agency that might have used the assassins "as unwitting instruments." India has long accused neighboring Pakistan of training and arming Sikh militants.
    16. The paper said that at first Jaafar was thought to be an unwitting courier of the bomb.
    17. Professional preparers are upset because their unwitting clients are blaming them for missing the supposedly valid refund.
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