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 unreliability [ˌʌnˌrilaiə'biliti添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不可靠性(不安全性)

    [ noun ]
    the trait of not being dependable or reliable

    1. Equally, if you choose to run a 30-year-old MGB or even a Morris Minor instead of a modern car, you need to know one end of a spanner from the other if you are not to be faced with (a) unreliability and (b) ruinous garage bills.
    2. Complaints last year by Army Col. R. Dennis Kerr about the Apache's unreliability in field exercises prompted Dingell's call for an investigation.
    3. The wine world is kicking up a stink about the unreliability of its traditional stopper. Modernists object to grappling with a corkscrew and a bit of bark.
    4. The apparently patchy performance of stores' groups is partly due to the unreliability of year on year comparisons.
    5. They, and Ma'ariv directors, point out that Maxwell's unreliability and love of publicity made him an improbable spy. Maxwell entirely failed to win over the prime minister Yitzhak Shamir, himself a former Mossad agent.
    6. Because of the unreliability, travel agents are discouraged from booking flights on airlines other than American and United, Texas Air contended.
    7. It is no good trying to explain the unreliability of criminal statistics to people who see their town centre close down at dusk, only to be threatened after dark by gangs of frightening-looking youths. Mr Heseltine was kind enough to give me a lift.
    8. But the chief reason for indifference was the unreliability of home sales data, and the fact that the big drop in October was offset by an upward revision for September.
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