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 unfurl [,ʌn'fә:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 展开, 展示, 公开, 使临风招展

vi. 打开, 展开, 显露

    [ verb ]
    unroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or spread out from a furled state
    <verb.change> unroll
    unfurl a banner

    Unfurl \Un*furl"\, v. t. & i. [1st pref. un- + furl.]
    To loose from a furled state; to unfold; to expand; to open
    or spread; as, to unfurl sails; to unfurl a flag.

    1. Union spokesman Jean-Pierre Toubhans said the four climbers planned to reach the top of Europe's tallest peak on Thursday and unfurl a banner reading, "Non a la Fermature de Gillette" (No to the Gillette closing).
    2. Police arrested eight who tried to unfurl banners with slogans against the party.
    3. Lines didn't unfurl, they jerked back and forth, obscured by the soloist's shadow.
    4. They gathered in front Wednesday to sing patriotic songs and unfurl protest banners.
    5. One of the protesters wore a rubber mask of Chancellor Helmut Kohl on the back of his head and had his coat on backwards as well, creating the impression he had his back to Momper when he leaped forward to unfurl the banner.
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