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 unflappable [,ʌn'flæpәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不慌张的, 镇定的

    [ adj ]
    not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure
    hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarman imperturbable self-possession
    unflappable in a crisis

    1. The question from Jessica Lee of USA Today about the handsome teen-ager Bush calls his "pride and joy" struck a nerve in what was otherwise an unflappable performance by the early-rising president.
    2. In fact, being a practicing Buddhist, he's virtually unflappable.
    3. Miller County, Ark., Justice of the Peace H.Q. Russell was unflappable as he officiated.
    4. The 49-year-old MBA is the direct opposite of his flamboyant former boss: unflappable and reassuring in a crisis, a quietly commanding problem-solver.
    5. When a caller accused him of lying about plans for a state prison, the unflappable governor responded, "You're wrong sir.
    6. At the beginning of May, a month after his 53rd birthday, this private family man - described by friends as 'unflappable' and 'unflamboyant' - became its chief executive.
    7. "He's more detail-oriented, more methodical, more conservative," says Mr. Perelman, whose intensity contrasts with Mr. Gittis's unflappable manner.
    8. After a 30-year political career, Gov. Michael S. Dukakis is the same cool, untiring technocrat and unflappable optimist.
    9. Even occasional backbiting by U.S. and British officials failed to stop Genscher, an affable and unflappable veteran diplomat whose protruding "elephant ears" have become his trademark.
    10. And her jolie, unflappable air delights.
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