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 unenthusiastic 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    not enthusiastic; lacking excitement or ardor
    an unenthusiastic performance by the orchestraunenthusiastic applause

    1. Hong Kong stocks fell in light trading because of an unenthusiastic response to the budget pact from major international investors.
    2. Hural delegates seemed unenthusiastic about the opposition demands for early elections this year.
    3. But the response to the news in the credit markets was unenthusiastic.
    4. A spot check on a London street found Britons unenthusiastic about the idea of tea granules, which Brooke Bond and Premier Beverage Products said Wednesday they will begin distributing nationwide.
    5. If that should be the outcome - the battle is far from over - it would be a realistic but unenthusiastic expression of the balance of opinion in parliament.
    6. Others, particularly in smaller companies, are wary of appearing unenthusiastic about the firm.
    7. Some previously unenthusiastic regional banks have indicated that they like this package," Mr. Mulford added.
    8. At the same time, only four securities firms have signed up with the Big Board to buy and sell ESPs as market makers, an unenthusiastic response.
    9. Initial soundings from newly elected MEPs indicate that Mr Santer is likely to receive at best an unenthusiastic endorsement.
    10. But hitherto the French group had been unenthusiastic about sacrificing full control. Mr Robert Husson accepted yesterday that closer collaboration had always been on the cards.
    11. Some analysts attribute the November slide to an unenthusiastic 'yes' vote in October's referendum on the constitution.
    12. Shares ended mixed in unenthusiastic trade ahead of the weekend.
    13. I've voted for the ecologists, not because I believe in them but because I can't stand the rest.' Even conservative voters were unenthusiastic.
    14. The stock market lost ground today in an unenthusiastic response to stronger-than-expected employment news.
    15. The stock market lost ground today in an unenthusiastic response to new evidence of slowing economic growth.
    16. But even when stocks rose Friday to new highs since the October crash, the mood of many analysts and money managers remained subdued and unenthusiastic.
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