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 undamaged 添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] 未损坏的, 完好的

    [ adj ]
    not harmed or spoiled; sound

    1. Firefighters managed to keep the flames from spreading to the adjacent St. Louis Cathedral, which remained undamaged except for some melted copper on the outside.
    2. All three paintings taken from Amsterdam's Municipal Museum last month were recovered undamaged, according to police spokesman Klaas Wilting.
    3. It isn't tied down or anything," Bill Gibson, 58, said as he hauled away a 12-foot-long branch that had fallen from a tree next to his undamaged trailer house in Venice, near the mouth of the Mississippi River.
    4. The most visually stunning finds are the olive oil works, where giant stone crushers, weights and storage chambers are virtually undamaged.
    5. With their roots undamaged by the flames, aspen trees return to their juvenile phase for three to four years, and will add as much as four feet in a 90-day growing season.
    6. The NRC approved the restart of the undamaged Unit 1 reactor in May 1985.
    7. A large door on a hangar housing a $1 million Lockheed jet belonging to entertainer Wayne Newton was blown away but the jet was undamaged.
    8. Though the main chute did not open during the flight, Mizell reported that the smaller parachute broke the fall and divers recovered the floating 30-pound package about two miles offshore. They reported it appeared to be undamaged.
    9. For a generation afterwards that left the largely undamaged US as the global powerhouse where returns on capital were high and economic growth seemed the most natural thing in the world.
    10. He pulled out a core of damp wood and examined the largely undamaged cambium layer beneath the bark, which allows a tree to form new bark and wood.
    11. A model rocket was undamaged after being dropped 1,000 feet from a helicopter into Monterey Bay, Calif., to see if it could survive high-speed impact with water, the Navy said Friday.
    12. Thus doctors can trace the flow of blood as it moves through undamaged portions of the heart.
    13. As this posed a threat to fishermen, the net was cut off." Tass said there were no injuries and that the trawler was undamaged.
    14. The paintings were undamaged, said Laterveer.
    15. In a yard next to the main street lay the cover of one engine, but the fence and adjacent building were undamaged.
    16. More than 1,000 are living in tents set up by security forces. Authorities have found quarters in undamaged buildings for nearly 3,000 others.
    17. But if you have a 4x4 of your own, you can have tuition and then try serious off-roading on a course that will leave your vehicle dirty but undamaged.
    18. Two buildings, one of which houses a retreading business, were undamaged.
    19. Sculptors take a plaster mold of the patient's undamaged feature, then make a silicone rubber copy and carefully match skin tone.
    20. The pilot of a Boeing 737 was questioned again today by investigators trying to determine why his plane's apparently undamaged right engine was shut down long before the jet crashed, while the burning left engine remained in operation.
    21. Mills said the plane, which is being restored, was undamaged and would be flown off the glacier later this week if the weather permits.
    22. The marble headstones inside the cemetery were undamaged.
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