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 umbrella [ʌm'brelә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 伞, 雨伞, 保护伞

a. 伞的, 包罗万象的

vt. 用伞遮掩

[法] 包罗众多的, 伞状的

    [ noun ]
    1. a lightweight handheld collapsible canopy

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a formation of military planes maintained over ground operations or targets

    4. <noun.act>
      an air umbrella over England
    5. having the function of uniting a group of similar things

    6. <noun.act>
      the Democratic Party is an umbrella for many liberal groups
      under the umbrella of capitalism
    [ adj ]
    1. covering or applying simultaneously to a number of similar items or elements or groups

    2. <adj.all>
      an umbrella organization
      umbrella insurance coverage

    Umbrella \Um*brel"la\, n. [It. umbrella, fr. ombra a shade, L.
    umbra; cf. L. umbella a sunshade, a parasol. Cf. {Umbel},
    1. A shade, screen, or guard, carried in the hand for
    sheltering the person from the rays of the sun, or from
    rain or snow. It is formed of silk, cotton, or other
    fabric, extended on strips of whalebone, steel, or other
    elastic material, inserted, or fastened to, a rod or stick
    by means of pivots or hinges, in such a way as to allow of
    being opened and closed with ease. See {Parasol}.

    Underneath the umbrella's oily shed. --Gay.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) The umbrellalike disk, or swimming bell, of a

    3. (Zo["o]l.) Any marine tectibranchiate gastropod of the
    genus {Umbrella}, having an umbrella-shaped shell; --
    called also {umbrella shell}.

    {Umbrella ant} (Zo["o]l.), the sauba ant; -- so called
    because it carries bits of leaves over its back when
    foraging. Called also {parasol ant}.

    {Umbrella bird} (Zo["o]l.), a South American bird
    ({Cephalopterus ornatus}) of the family {Cotingid[ae]}. It
    is black, with a large handsome crest consisting of a mass
    of soft, glossy blue feathers curved outward at the tips.
    It also has a cervical plume consisting of a long,
    cylindrical dermal process covered with soft hairy
    feathers. Called also {dragoon bird}.

    {Umbrella leaf} (Bot.), an American perennial herb
    ({Dyphylleia cymosa}), having very large peltate and lobed
    radical leaves.

    {Umbrella shell}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Umbrella}, 3.

    {Umbrella tree} (Bot.), a kind of magnolia ({Magnolia
    Umbrella}) with the large leaves arranged in umbrellalike
    clusters at the ends of the branches. It is a native of
    Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky. Other plants in
    various countries are called by this name, especially a
    kind of screw pine ({Pandanus odoratissimus}).

    1. The Turkish parliament has still to decide whether to extend the allied security umbrella for the Kurds beyond the new year.
    2. He said the prisoners are being held by the Nicaraguan Resistance, an umbrella group of forces fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government.
    3. Hezbollah is believed to be an umbrella group for Shiite extremists who hold most of the 16 Westerners missing in Lebanon. Some of the hostages have been reported held in the Bekaa at various times.
    4. "We are now facing the dilemma of choosing between one man's savior and another man's devil," said Jair Meneguelli, president of the Central Workers' Union, a labor umbrella group.
    5. 'It is scandalous that such huge amounts of money are squandered,' he told a meeting of the Congress of South African Trade Unions, an umbrella group with close ties to the communists.
    6. Sometimes described incorrectly as "pro-government," CUS and other independent unions in an umbrella group called the Permanent Congress of Workers (CPT) are outraged by government inaction.
    7. Carlos Hurtado, an adviser to the Nicaraguan Resistance, the Contra umbrella organization, told The Associated Press the talks would be suspended if the offensive continued.
    8. The Popular Front is united with Yasser Arafat's mainstream Fatah and other groups under the PLO umbrella.
    9. The American nuclear "umbrella" is now more fictional than real.
    10. "It was then that the 13 million people on file became real, not abstract." The Senate has approved legislation bringing older workers' job benefits under the protective umbrella of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
    11. It is using what it calls an 'umbrella' 24-hour banking service to support a slimmed-down branch network.
    12. The umbrella certainly protected the independence of some companies.
    13. But Carlos Hurtado, an adviser to the six-member directorate of the Contra umbrella organization, Nicaraguan Resistance, said his side was ready for Monday's talks.
    14. The body of a recently buried 81-year-old man was dug up and impaled on an umbrella.
    15. The Penguin zooms away in the Batmobile in a classic smash-'em-up sequence; later, he's shown escaping Batman's clutches by using a mechanized umbrella frame.
    16. And the American companies now are able to take advantage of that price umbrella by adding equipment without outstripping the Japanese in price.
    17. Hezbollah is the umbrella for Shiite Moslem fundamentalist factions believed to hold most of the Westerners in Lebanon.
    18. "For them U.N. leadership gives them the umbrella they need," Sen. Lugar says.
    19. The umbrella group claims at least 250,000 members belonging to 70 church chapters that practice the peyote ritual in 23 Western states.
    20. This agreement forms a model for a 'brokerage' operation for other gas fields to be taken under the Troll umbrella.
    21. U.S. auto makers, particularly GM and Ford, don't complain because their own operations in Europe benefit from the protective umbrella.
    22. The pro-Iranian group Hezbollah, believed to be the umbrella for factions holding hostages, named five prisoners held in Israel that it wants released, in addition to a Shiite Moslem cleric kidnapped by Israel.
    23. Of course, inclement weather brings out the best of British with the Burberry raincoat, or the Brigg umbrella.
    24. The most widely publicized was in Carpentras, France, where in May, a recently buried body was dug up and impaled on an umbrella pole.
    25. But it is unusual that one product would aim negative advertising at another product that's under the same corporate umbrella.
    26. Its umbrella fund carries a sales charge, or load, of 3% and an annual fee of slightly less than 1%.
    27. Iran is believed to exert considerable influence over Hezbollah, an umbrella group of Shiites believed to hold some of the Americans in Lebanon.
    28. "They're everywhere," says Carlos Ulvert, the secretary for international relations of the United Nicaraguan Opposition, the Contra umbrella group.
    29. The fundamentalist Hezbollah is believed to be the umbrella for the Shiite extremist factions holding most of the 13 Western hostages in Lebanon, including six Americans.
    30. Armando Navarro, director of Impacto 88, an umbrella organization of Chicano groups from several U.S. states, said Chicanos should turn their numbers into political power.
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