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 trinitrophenol 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 三硝基苯酚

[医] 三硝基酚, 苦味酸

    Trinitrophenol \Tri*ni`tro*phe"nol\, n. (Chem.)
    Picric acid.

    Picric \Pi"cric\, a. [Gr. ? bitter.] (Chem.)
    Pertaining to, or designating, a strong organic acid (called
    picric acid), intensely bitter.

    Note: Picric acid is obtained by treating phenol with strong
    nitric acid, as a brilliant yellow crystalline
    substance, {C6H2(NO2)3.OH}. It is used in dyeing silk
    and wool, and also in the manufacture of explosives, as
    it is very unstable when heated. Called also
    {trinitrophenol}, and formerly {carbazotic acid}.

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