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 trial of the pyx 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Pyx \Pyx\, n. [L. pyxis a box, Gr. pyxi`s a box, especially of
    boxwood, fr. py`xos the box tree or boxwood. See {Box} a
    receptacle.] [Written also {pix}.]
    1. (R. C. Ch.) The box, case, vase, or tabernacle, in which
    the host is reserved.

    2. A box used in the British mint as a place of deposit for
    certain sample coins taken for a trial of the weight and
    fineness of metal before it is sent from the mint.

    3. (Naut.) The box in which the compass is suspended; the
    binnacle. --Weale.

    4. (Anat.) Same as {Pyxis}.

    {Pyx cloth} (R. C. Ch.), a veil of silk or lace covering the

    {Trial of the pyx}, the annual testing, in the English mint,
    of the standard of gold and silver coins. --Encyc. Brit.

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