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 trawler ['trɒ:lә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拖网渔船

[法] 拖网船, 拖网捕鱼的船, 拖网捕鱼的人

    [ noun ]
    1. a fisherman who use a trawl net

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a fishing boat that uses a trawl net or dragnet to catch fish

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Trawler \Trawl"er\, n.
    1. One who, or that which, trawls.

    2. A fishing vessel which trails a net behind it.

    1. A Soviet trawler was warned away from the area as the unarmed missile was fired off Cape Canaveral at an undisclosed target in the Atlantic.
    2. A Ghana news agency correspondent traveling with the multinational force reported 27 rebels were captured when the gunboat, a converted trawler, was seized as it was approaching two Nigerian frigates.
    3. Rescuers continued searching the channel for a possible sixth person aboard the trawler, which went down about 30 miles off the Sussex coast, said a spokesman with the British coast guard, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
    4. The Soviet trawler sank within minutes, Berlin said, and some wreckage and an oil slick was all that marked the site.
    5. The bodies of 50 endangered penguins were found floating in the flooded hold of a Taiwanese fishing trawler that ran aground, environmental officials said.
    6. French Coast Guard aircraft resumed a search off the Brittany coast for the five crew members of the trawler La Fayette, which sent a distress signal Thursday and has not been seen since then.
    7. The fish was caught by the trawler Straadau last week and came to the attention of Geir Jan Johansen, a reporter for the Egersund local newspaper Dalane Tidende.
    8. A Norwegian trawler caught an unmarked submarine in its fishing net but the sub's crew used axes and blowtorches to cut the vessel free and it fled without identifying itself, a news report said Sunday.
    9. A Korean fishing trawler with 17 crew members aboard sank off the northern New Zealand coast Wednesday, and defense officials said rescuers found three survivors and two bodies.
    10. The trawler was brought into Devonport last night by the fisheries protection vessel Alderney.
    11. In December 1988 the company lost a trawler in rough weather in the Bering Sea.
    12. (The Astros won, 2-1.) In 1977, the United States seized the Soviet trawler "Taras Shevchenko" off the New England coast for violating a new 200-mile fishing zone.
    13. The names of those on board the trawler Ar-Roak, based in Dieppe, France, were not immediately available.
    14. A Polish trawler captain who was afraid his sailors might try to jump ship in Boston Harbor refused to enter the port, but 16 crewmen determined to flee their homeland simply hopped aboard a refueling barge.
    15. Local fishermen threatened to confront a large French trawler on the high seas Tuesday in a bitter dispute over fishing rights around this French territory off Canada's Atlantic coast.
    16. It said a navy patrol boat spotted the trawler, identified as the Odishi, at 3 a.m. and ordered it by radio and lantern to stop and let authorities board.
    17. The oil leaked Saturday from the 275,000-ton tanker Rosebay after it collided with a British trawler 14 miles from the Devon coast.
    18. In 1977, the United States seized the Soviet trawler Taras Shevchenko off the New England coast for violating a new 200-mile fishing zone.
    19. A French trawler sank Sunday in the English Channel, and the coast guard said three people died. Officials said two people were rescued.
    20. The trawler towed the ship 430 miles from the spot off the coast of Greenland where it was trapped, but the boat took on water and finally was cut loose and sank Monday, he said.
    21. A French trawler rammed a submerged German mine left over from World War II and sank in the English Channel, maritime authorities said Friday.
    22. The trawler Kiviuq, which fishes in the Arctic and is equipped with ice-breaking equipment, responded to the tall ship's mayday.
    23. The tanker Tebo Star collided with the trawler Labushkino at 12:11 a.m. 32 miles southwest off the Swedish island of Gotland.
    24. The cod fishing and processing factory trawler was owned by Arctic Alaska Fisheries Corp. of Seattle.
    25. As this posed a threat to fishermen, the net was cut off." Tass said there were no injuries and that the trawler was undamaged.
    26. Factory trawler operators say the fishery council's proposed restrictions will sink many of them, costing thousands of jobs, mainly in Washington.
    27. Spanish fishermen have handed a captured French trawler to their government. They seized the vessel in a weekend dispute about drift nets used in tuna fishing.
    28. The sub apparently was taking part in an anti-submarine warfare exercise held by the East German navy in the western Baltic at the time of the trawler episode, Bratting said.
    29. Now he says Singapore is 'more like perhaps a trawler or a hovercraft going at high speed.
    30. The trawler, the Dong Chang No. 3, sank Sunday about 60 miles north of Wellington near the Western entrance of Cook Strait.
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