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 transposed 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 调换;颠倒顺序;移项(transpore的过去分词)
adj. 移调的;变调的

  1. Transposed pondering always leads to an enlightened awareness.i was looking for the lost me everywhere, but it turned out just besides me.
  2. The minor chronicle of sex and its trials is transposed into the ceremonious history of the modes of production; its trifling aspect fades from view.
  3. The characteristics of transposed cable for transformer windings are introduced. Some problems in transposed conductor manufacture and application are presented.

[ adj ]
turned about in order or relation
transposed letters

Transpose \Trans*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Transposed}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Transposing}.] [F. transposer; pref. trans- (L.
trans across) + poser to put. See {Pose}.]
1. To change the place or order of; to substitute one for the
other of; to exchange, in respect of position; as, to
transpose letters, words, or propositions.

2. To change; to transform; to invert. [R.]

Things base and vile, holding no quantity,
Love can transpose to form and dignity. --Shak.

3. (Alg.) To bring, as any term of an equation, from one side
over to the other, without destroying the equation; thus,
if a + b = c, and we make a = c - b, then b is said to be

4. (Gram.) To change the natural order of, as words.

5. (Mus.) To change the key of.

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