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 transnational   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 超越国界的, 跨国的

[法] 超越国界的, 超国家的, 跨国的

    [ adj ]
    involving or operating in several nations or nationalities
    multinational corporationstransnational terrorist networks

    1. The payment of claims for wartime atrocities is both morally and technically different from the settlement of transnational contract performance disputes.
    2. The world's biggest transnational corporation, by size of overseas assets, is Royal Dutch Shell.
    3. The foreign minister and the secretary and their experts held a thorough and very positive discussion of human rights and humanitarian and transnational issues.
    4. Most transnational corporations favor the draft law's new protections for products and processes, though pharmaceutical makers are dissatisfied with the safeguards.
    5. And Citibank's strategy for becoming the world's first financial institution that is both transnational and a "universal bank" was based on the same theory of the business.
    6. Going transnational is not confined to manufacturing firms.
    7. Is Siemens going 'transnational'?
    8. Banking and finance have, of course, become increasingly transnational ever since the major New York banks went world-wide in the '60s.
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