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 transiently 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. This is useful to protect your data by transiently mounting your file using the loop device when needed.
  2. As the monkey looked at the face, blood vessels supplying nerve cells in the visual part of the monkey’s brain transiently swelled in exactly the same pattern.
  3. It may be because it makes them feel better. Nicotine is known to transiently improve several neurological and cognitive impairments in patients with schizophrenia.

[ adv ]
for a very short time
these three pions may actually be joined together transiently as a compound particle during the interchange process

Transient \Tran"sient\, a. [L. transiens, -entis, p. pr. of
transire, transitum, to go or pass over. See {Trance}.]
1. Passing before the sight or perception, or, as it were,
moving over or across a space or scene viewed, and then
disappearing; hence, of short duration; not permanent; not
lasting or durable; not stationary; passing; fleeting;
brief; transitory; as, transient pleasure. ``Measured this
transient world.'' --Milton.

2. Hasty; momentary; imperfect; brief; as, a transient view
of a landscape.

3. Staying for a short time; not regular or permanent; as, a
transient guest; transient boarders. [Colloq. U. S.]

Syn: {Transient}, {Transitory}, {Fleeting}.

Usage: Transient represents a thing as brief at the best;
transitory, as liable at any moment to pass away.
Fleeting goes further, and represents it as in the act
of taking its flight. Life is transient; its joys are
transitory; its hours are fleeting.

What is loose love? A transient gust. --Pope

If [we love] transitory things, which soon
Age must be loveliest at the latest day.

O fleeting joys
Of Paradise, dear bought with lasting woes.
-- {Tran"sient*ly}, adv. --
{Tran"sient*ness}, n.

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