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 traditional [trә'diʃәnl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 传统的, 惯例的

[经] 传统的, 惯例的

    [ adj ]
    1. consisting of or derived from tradition

    2. <adj.all>
      traditional history
      traditional morality
    3. pertaining to time-honored orthodox doctrines

    4. <adj.all>
      the simple security of traditional assumptions has vanished

    Traditional \Tra*di"tion*al\, a. [Cf. F. traditionnel, LL.
    1. Of or pertaining to tradition; derived from tradition;
    communicated from ancestors to descendants by word only;
    transmitted from age to age without writing; as,
    traditional opinions; traditional customs; traditional
    expositions of the Scriptures.

    2. Observant of tradition; attached to old customs;
    old-fashioned. [R.] --Shak.

    1. Resellers are good at selling computer systems to traditional technical markets, but lack extensive experience and a broad clientele among businesses.
    2. However, Mr. Salinas not only faces a challenge from the traditional opposition on the right, but also from a revitalized political left, which has been calling for a radical, confrontational approach to foreign debt.
    3. British Coal turns its back on the traditional coalfields of Rugby League.
    4. Overcoming traditional English reserve, many suburbanites shared cars or were seen hitchhiking to work.
    5. Eyeing the general election, he hopes to reinforce the "traditional values" advantage that GOP candidates have enjoyed over Democrats for a generation.
    6. Phinda gets bricks over a third cheaper than from commercial suppliers. Not far from Mazibuko's brickworks, Thomas Nkomo - another reformed poacher -makes charcoal according to a traditional African method.
    7. The $280 million offering will consist of $55 million of traditional tax-exempt munis, $200 million of bonds subject to the so-called alternative minimum tax and $26 million of fully taxable bonds.
    8. "The history of it is that men have exercised traditional control over the activities of women, and I'm not going to ignore that, no matter how much flak I get from women's lib," U.S. District Judge A. Andrew Hauk said Tuesday.
    9. His reception at the parliament was also lukewarm, even though he went out of his way to praise Japan's "indomitable spirit of hard work, inexhaustible talents and traditional discipline."
    10. Ireland has moved a step closer to abandoning its traditional policy of military neutrality by announcing that it is prepared to consider sending troops to help UN efforts in eastern Bosnia.
    11. Eyesight, as measured by traditional charts, may withstand the effects of disease longer.
    12. Yani who uses traditional Chinese brush and ink technique to paint animals, especially monkeys, but said she plans to expand her artwork and concentrate on humans.
    13. Instead of quick cuts with no story line, they are talking about simple messsages and traditional storytelling.
    14. Eugene d'Aquili, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, suggests that the interest in channeling reflects a declining influence of traditional religion.
    15. Eastern said that, too, was a traditional problem on those routes.
    16. True, the traditional curriculum has lost much of its authority and certainly needs updating.
    17. While opposition leaders said they would welcome peace talks, they have also indicated they would not retreat from the traditional Turkish demand for a loose federation with both zones.
    18. Mellon's difficulties primarily reflect loan problems in its energy, foreign, commercial real estate, and traditional heavy-industry portfolios.
    19. These are power plants with four valves per cylinder instead of the traditional two.
    20. Searle said since ADBF is one of the body's naturally produced antibiotics, it may be less toxic or allergenic than many traditional synthetic antibiotics.
    21. Helms gleefully tweaked his antagonists, the "ultraliberal establishm" promising to press on with his agenda, a combination of traditional anti-big government conservatism and anti-abortion, anti-homosexual and other appeals.
    22. But the exact size and mandate of the surviving services _ as well as the fate of their foreign espionage networks _ is mostly obscured by the traditional lack of public accountability.
    23. When the CFTC's jurisdiction was expanded in 1982 to include stock index futures as well as traditional futures contracts for commodities like oil and pork bellies, the agriculture committees' jurisdictions were expanded as well.
    24. It is a sensitive, unfussed and traditional recension by Maina Gielgud.
    25. Besides Kidder, Peabody & Co., Burlington's traditional investment banker, the company is also understood to have retained First Boston Corp., which is known for helping companies shape defenses against hostile takeovers.
    26. With traditional insurance, a victim must sue somebody to determine who caused the accident and whose insurance must pay.
    27. Included in the unit's sector is the the Fulda Gap, a traditional wartime invasion route through central Germany.
    28. Kloeckner will represent a new trading business area for Viag as growth prospects in traditional industrial sectors are being overshadowed by the strong expansion of the services sector.
    29. In the East room ceremony, Bush watched a group of children from Toledo, dressed in traditional Spanish colonial garb, dance to mariachi music.
    30. On Saturday, the coalition will hold a Counter-Inaugural Forum at All Soul's Church, followed on Sunday by an interfaith gathering outside the National Cathedral featuring traditional Native American prayers from representatives of the Piscataway nation.
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