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 tournament ['tә:nәmәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 比赛, 竞赛, 锦标赛, 联赛

    [ noun ]
    1. a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner

    2. <noun.event>
    3. a series of jousts between knights contesting for a prize

    4. <noun.event>

    Tournament \Tour"na*ment\, n. [OE. turnement, tornement, OF.
    torneiement, tornoiement, F. tournoiement a turning or
    wheeling round. See {Tourney}.]
    1. A mock fight, or warlike game, formerly in great favor, in
    which a number of combatants were engaged, as an
    exhibition of their address and bravery; hence,
    figuratively, a real battle. ``In battle and in
    tourneyment.'' --Chaucer.

    With cruel tournament the squadrons join. --Milton.

    Note: It different from the joust, which was a trial of skill
    between one man and another.

    2. Any contest of skill in which there are many contestents
    for championship; as, a chess tournament.

    1. Following protests and threats of pickets during the tournament, the club accepted a black insurance executive as an honorary member.
    2. The 16-year-old white girl was killed while attending a volleyball tournament at Conroe High School, where Brandley, who is black, was a janitor.
    3. He won a tournament in 1984, his first year on the tour, and the next year not only won another but also led in top-10 finishes with 13, an unusual achievement for a sophomore.
    4. Goichberg said this year's event was missing many top U.S. and overseas grandmasters because of a scheduling clash with a world championship qualifying tournament in the Philippines.
    5. The Black Hills city spent about $30,000 adding 16 horseshoe pits, lighting and other improvements at the campground where the tournament will be held, said Finance Officer Beth Benning.
    6. Trebek, relaxing in the living room of his hillside bachelor home, is wearing a pair of well-worn blue jeans and an old blue jacket he got for participating in the Bill Cosby celebrity tennis tournament in 1975.
    7. His decision to defect didn't interfere with his play at the Lloyds Bank Masters tournament.
    8. For several years she also hosted the largest Memorial Day chess tournament on the West Coast.
    9. NED HAIG and David Sanderson are the two Scotsmen credited with inventing seven-a-side rugby late in the last century - the first tournament was held at Melrose in 1883.
    10. The tournament also marks Kasparov's return to the international tournament arena after a nearly yearlong absence.
    11. The tournament also marks Kasparov's return to the international tournament arena after a nearly yearlong absence.
    12. A first step was to sharpen the image of the tournament itself.
    13. The issue will be decided later by the Women's International Professional Tennis Council, in which players have three votes, with the remaining six belonging to the International Tennis Federation, the sport's governing body, and tournament directors.
    14. Briton Nick Faldo took his second British Open golf crown Sunday, beating American Payne Stewart by five strokes and finishing two shots off the tournament record.
    15. The 140-member Sampoerna Band Indonesia will be its country's first representatives in Monday's parade, tournament officials said.
    16. The tour began to take shape last year, when the Royal Knights placed 17th in a national scholastic tournament.
    17. "They had been practicing pretty hard for the softball tournament, and they were really excited about it," he said.
    18. The Rebels literally stole the title from Duke, breaking the tournament record for steals in a game with 16. Until Monday, the largest margin of victory in a championship was 23 points, when UCLA beat North Carolina 78-55 in 1968.
    19. That made Lipton nervous. They had invested in a two week event and told me that our 31-year agreement was at risk if we made the change.' The problems were solved and the tournament is now a 10-day event.
    20. "A couple of weeks ago, Curtis Strange read in the newspaper that he'd shot a 74 in a tournament the day before, when he knew darned well he'd really shot a 75.
    21. Englishman John Rooks opens the tournament by dribbling a tee-shot six inches, on his way to a 71-over-par score of 142.
    22. He was second-place winner in the New York City tournament.
    23. He also reported accepting $316 worth of "golf items" at the Kemper Open Charity tournament, and a $150 Armitron watch at the Congressional Tournament.
    24. And then the biggest pot of the tournament began to build.
    25. The victims were members of a Midland Boys Club team returning home after playing in a tournament in Abilene.
    26. Anatoly Karpov of the Soviet Union escaped with a draw against British grandmaster Nigel Short in a ninth-round game to maintain his lead in the World Cup chess tournament Thursday.
    27. The game was played despite a snowstorm in Seattle that stopped traffic and closed many schools, including Lakeside School where the tournament is being held.
    28. Ashe, who played during the 1960s and '70s, won every Grand Slam tournament except the French Open.
    29. Takeru Takahashi, the hotel's manager, says that during the annual high-school baseball tournament in August, some businessmen steal away from work and rent rooms to watch the games on television.
    30. Several hundred Dutch fans, who were celebrating the 2-1 victory Tuesday night that will put their team into the finals of the tournament, appeared to be taking no part in the violence.
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