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 torturing   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Four armed robbers forced their way into a Long Island house where they tortured a woman with a hot iron, then made off with$5, 000 in cash and jewelry, police said yesterday.
  2. He tortured his prisoners.

[ noun ]
  1. the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason

  2. <noun.act>
    it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession
[ adj ]
  1. extremely painful

  2. <adj.all>

  1. Ten are charged with torturing and murdering people for the Medellin cartel.
  2. Khin Nyunt's Directorate of Defense Services Intelligence was cited by Amnesty International last week as the agency most widely blamed for torturing dissidents.
  3. "They're torturing him," Ellis said softly to a fellow witness during the medical exam.
  4. Authorities arrested three town magistrates and suspended two Asuncion police officers accused of torturing prisoners during the dictatorship of Gen.
  5. Turkey's civilian government has as bad a human rights record as its military predecessor, torturing parents in front of their children as part of a widespread campaign against political opponents, Amnesty International said today.
  6. The rebels were believed to be members of the Holy Spirit Movement, which has been harrassing and torturing civilians and looting the area around Gulu since the beginning of the year.
  7. At the behest of hard-liners, the government is refurbishing a museum, first opened as Mao, that portrays America as spending the war years torturing and murdering communist revolutionaries.
  8. Prosecutors emphasized Noriega's alleged dark side in their effort to keep him in jail, saying he was known for torturing opponents and personally ordered the execution of the leader of the failed October coup attempt against him.
  9. Arce Gomez, who had a reputation for personally torturing political prisoners, became his nation's powerful minister of the interior when he and Gen.
  10. Arce Gomez had a reputation for ruthlessnes and for personally torturing political prisoners.
  11. The London-based human rights group Amnesty International has accused King Hassan II's police of torturing and mistreating suspects held in custody pending the filing of criminal charges. The government denies the charges.
  12. Weber was accused of torturing Miss Lenz with a lighted cigarette, pins and wooden wheelbarrow handles.
  13. The Duvalier family amassed an immense fortune and created the notorious Tonton Macoutes, a private militia that throttled political opposition by arresting, torturing and killing at will.
  14. In the U.S., a 1986 indictment in El Paso charges him with smuggling up to five tons a month of marijuana across the border and with kidnapping and torturing two men and attempting to kidnap a third.
  15. In a televised speech, Crown Prince Sheikh Saad al-Sabah, the prime minister, said Kuwaiti gangs and police must stop abducting and torturing non-Kuwaitis suspected of collaboration.
  16. Some ethnic Turks at the Paris conference say Bulgaria is imprisoning, torturing, exiling or killing those who resist assimilation.
  17. Grogan immediately makes two accurate assumptions _ that there are two men involved and that they are raping, torturing and murdering women for fun.
  18. "We frankly don't care whether the government is torturing someone in the name of the revolution, or in the name of fighting the revolution, or in the name of restoring order so that democracy might flourish," he said.
  19. The lawsuit is expected to accuse Noriega of looting his homeland and torturing and killing Panamanian citizens.
  20. Newtonchik has some very funny stories of torturing Serge by saying, did you notice the bassoon played D instead of D flat in the seventh bar of the rondo allegro?
  21. Many Liberians accuse Taylor of prolonging the bloodshed since followers of a breakaway rebel leader, Prince Johnson, allegedly killed Doe in September after brutually torturing him.
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