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 tonsure ['tɑnʃɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 剃发, 剃去头发的部分, 削发仪式


[医] 秃斑

    [ noun ]
    1. the shaved crown of a monk's or priest's head

    2. <noun.body>
    3. shaving the crown of the head by priests or members of a monastic order

    4. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. shave the head of a newly inducted monk

    2. <verb.body>

    Tonsure \Ton"sure\, n. [F., fr. L. tonsura a shearing, clipping,
    from tondere, tonsum, to shear, shave; cf. Gr. ? to gnaw;
    perhaps akin to Gr. ? to cut, and E. tome.]
    1. The act of clipping the hair, or of shaving the crown of
    the head; also, the state of being shorn.

    2. (R. C. Ch.)
    (a) The first ceremony used for devoting a person to the
    service of God and the church; the first degree of the
    clericate, given by a bishop, abbot, or cardinal
    priest, consisting in cutting off the hair from a
    circular space at the back of the head, with prayers
    and benedictions; hence, entrance or admission into
    minor orders.
    (b) The shaven corona, or crown, which priests wear as a
    mark of their order and of their rank.

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