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 thunderbolt ['θʌndɚ`bolt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 霹雳, 雷电, 晴天霹雳, 怒喝

    [ noun ]
    1. a discharge of lightning accompanied by thunder

    2. <noun.phenomenon>
    3. a shocking surprise

    4. <noun.event>
      news of the attack came like a bombshell

    Thunderbolt \Thun"der*bolt`\, n.
    1. A shaft of lightning; a brilliant stream of electricity
    passing from one part of the heavens to another, or from
    the clouds to the earth.

    2. Something resembling lightning in suddenness and

    The Scipios' worth, those thunderbolts of war.

    3. Vehement threatening or censure; especially,
    ecclesiastical denunciation; fulmination.

    He severely threatens such with the thunderbolt of
    excommunication. --Hakewill.

    4. (Paleon.) A belemnite, or thunderstone.

    {Thunderbolt beetle} (Zo["o]l.), a long-horned beetle
    ({Arhopalus fulminans}) whose larva bores in the trunk of
    oak and chestnut trees. It is brownish and bluish-black,
    with W-shaped whitish or silvery markings on the elytra.

    1. It was like a thunderbolt.
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