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 thousands 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Men have been making music for thousands of years.
  2. The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years.

  1. They have been rallying by the hundreds of thousands to push for more control over Kosovo, an ancient Slav heartland bordering Albania that is now dominated by ethnic Albanians.
  2. Sect members won political control of the nearby community of Antelope, renaming it City of Rajneesh, and attempted to control voting in Wasco County by busing thousands of homeless people to the commune in 1984.
  3. A mysterious man linked to the Medellin cocaine cartel acknowledged he forged millions of dollars in greenbacks and passed thousands along the U.S.-Mexico border, a top law enforcement official said Tuesday.
  4. A chant rose from thousands at the joyous rally: "What did you have?" Ruml smiled. "Mine was good.
  5. Normandy was the scene of the Allied invasion in 1944 and saw intense fighting that left behind thousands of bombs and mines that often turn up unexpectedly.
  6. Tens of thousands of the colony's residents concerned about Communist control have sought permission to move out.
  7. A bankruptcy judge refused to approve $3 million the professionals requested, including $1,200-an-hour in-office strategy sessions, a $275 bill for dinner for two and hundreds of thousands of dollars in overhead costs.
  8. The quake, which measured 7.7 on the Richter Scale, caused relatively little damage in Manila but killed more than 700 people and damaged thousands of buildings elsewhere in Luzon.
  9. Tens of thousands of people poured into streets and parks of the capital today to celebrate reconstruction of the southern port of Faw, which was almost destroyed during the war with Iran.
  10. However, he said he could envision West Germany helping the Soviets retrain thousands of soldiers returning from East Germany, who could face unemployment back home.
  11. But the tens of thousands of students have succeeded in breaking through the accepted barriers on political discourse and have altered, perhaps permanently, the terms in which Chinese speak of their leaders.
  12. In Moscow's Red Square, hundreds of thousands of people toted banners extolling "perestroika" (economic restructuring), "glasnost" (openness) and other Communist Party programs.
  13. Cemetery workers restored the tombstones at a cost of thousands of rubles, the newspaper said.
  14. The cities belong to the government, and caught in between are hundreds of thousands of displaced families and a network of roads that is the last lifeline of a desperate economy.
  15. Hundreds of groundworkers will join the $2.6 million campaign, the nation's largest ever, to stamp out a disease that still strikes thousands of French citizens a year.
  16. Some official sources estimated that tens of thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of people, were left homeless in Bangladesh.
  17. Some official sources estimated that tens of thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of people, were left homeless in Bangladesh.
  18. The OSI accused Rudolph of working thousands of slave laborers to death building Nazi V-2 missiles during World War II.
  19. Several hundred people have been killed and hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes in more than two years of ethnic attacks and clashes involving civilians and soldiers.
  20. Government offices operated normally as thousands of employees stayed overnight in their workplaces.
  21. Those thousands include farmers, who will be relieved of paying the federal tax on diesel fuel used for off-road purposes and will no longer have to fret with the paperwork caused by the "heifer tax" on livestock.
  22. But employers insist they have tens of thousands of jobs available with no one to fill them.
  23. The thousands of workers who braved icy wind to report for 6 a.m. shift appeared willing to follow the advice.
  24. On Tuesday, he drew a crowd of thousands to a cove near Candlestick Park where he lay beached beside rocks bearing a no-trespassing sign.
  25. No one was hurt or killed in the blasts, but state authorities later imposed a curfew and banned all public assembly, including Friday prayer services, forcing tens of thousands of Moslem sabbath worshipers to stay indoors.
  26. The agency has estimated that tens of thousands of people become ill yearly from such contamination.
  27. In the recession, many British companies declared hundreds of thousands of long-serving employees to be redundant and fobbed them off with frozen deferred pensions.
  28. The results are spelled out in a 200-plus page report with attached charts and graphs that is supplied to Power's carmaker clients, who pay tens of thousands of dollars for the information.
  29. And the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority says last year it saved "thousands" of dollars on its first major financing when Mitsubishi Bank Ltd., another triple-A-rated bank, won the bid to back a $90 million variable-rate demand note.
  30. A Leipzig worker tells how he got caught in the Dresden train station on the bloody night of Oct. 3-4 and saw riot police beating back thousands trying to get aboard trains carrying East Germans to the West.
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