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 textual ['tekstʃuәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 文本的, 原文的

[法] 原文的, 本文的, 文字上的

    [ adj ]
    of or relating to or based on a text
    textual analysis

    Textual \Tex"tu*al\, a. [OE. textuel, F. textuel.]
    1. Of, pertaining to, or contained in, the text; as, textual
    criticism; a textual reading. --Milton.

    2. Serving for, or depending on, texts. --Bp. Hall.

    3. Familiar with texts or authorities so as to cite them
    accurately. ``I am not textuel.'' --Chaucer.

    1. This can at least claim textual purity and also allowed students of the London Contemporary Dance School to present the seldom-heard ballet. The alliance is a worthwhile one (think of the other rare operas on which the schools could combine).
    2. However, it is radically different from many other commercial databases because it needs to store, and perform searches within large amounts of textual information.
    3. This is mime teetering on the edge of textual theatre, which reveals the danger of using words without a script.
    4. He also liked the program's sales forecasting and analysis capabilities, both numerical and textual.
    5. Speaking to analysts last week, Mr. Manzi said the software "uses artificial intelligence technology to provide a more intelligent way to organize, analyze and act on textual information."
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