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 testicular [tɛs'tɪkjʊlɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 睾丸的, 睾丸状的

[医] 睾丸的

    [ adj ]
    of or involving the testes
    testicular cancer

    Testicular \Tes*tic"u*lar\, a. (Anat.)
    Of or pertaining to the testicle.

    1. In one those studies, published last year, doctors from the West German Cancer Center in Essen sent blood samples to Fossel from 54 men with testicular cancer, 88 men who had been successfully treated for the disease and 57 healthy men the same age.
    2. The dilemma took on a human face Wednesday when a federal judge here heard arguments on whether to force a health maintenance organization to pay for a $75,000-to-$125,000 bone marrow transplant for a 22-year-old truck driver with testicular cancer.
    3. The procedure is considered non-experimental for certain kinds of cancers, but not others, including testicular cancer.
    4. My question killed the conversation dead, but it highlighted the importance of testicular cancer. One man in 450 will develop this cancer before the age of 50 and more than 1,400 new cases are diagnosed in the UK every year.
    5. Nobody knows the cause of testicular cancer, but risk factors are coming to light. Until recently, an undescended or partly descended testis was one of the few known causal factors.
    6. "I've already recommended that testicular cancer be included and this (the Hayes study) is powerful evidence in support of it," he said.
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