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 tendency ['tɛndənsɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 趋向, 倾向

[医] 趋向, 趋势

    [ noun ]
    1. an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others

    2. <noun.cognition>
      he had an inclination to give up too easily
      a tendency to be too strict
    3. an inclination to do something

    4. <noun.feeling>
      he felt leanings toward frivolity
    5. a characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or character or effect

    6. <noun.attribute>
      the alkaline inclination of the local waters
      fabric with a tendency to shrink
    7. a general direction in which something tends to move

    8. <noun.location>
      the shoreward tendency of the current
      the trend of the stock market

    Tendency \Tend"en*cy\, n.; pl. {Tendencies}. [L. tendents,
    -entis, p. pr. of tendere: cf. F. tendance. See {Tend} to
    Direction or course toward any place, object, effect, or
    result; drift; causal or efficient influence to bring about
    an effect or result.

    Writings of this kind, if conducted with candor, have a
    more particular tendency to the good of their country.

    In every experimental science, there is a tendency
    toward perfection. --Macaulay.

    Syn: Disposition; inclination; proneness; drift; scope; aim.

    1. "This would perhaps speed any tendency toward consolidation in the Southeast and nationwide," said Richard Stillinger, senior vice president of Keefe, Bruyette & Woods.
    2. The researchers focused on 10 types of personality disorder: _ Paranoid, a tendency to view the actions of others as deliberately demeaning or threatening.
    3. "One of our tests is to keep the audience where they are, because there is a tendency for an audience to join in," said Jeremy Alliger, head of an avant-garde performance group called The Dance Umbrella, which is presenting the Boston shows.
    4. The reason most frequently given for the recent increase in multiple birth rates, says the article, "is the increasing tendency for women to delay childbirth until their 30s and later.
    5. But in the longer term, beyond the cyclical ups and downs of business activity, the measure has shown a tendency to fall that, in Mr. Tamm's view, may limit its usefulness as a leading indicator.
    6. Whether in classroom discourse or in the general intellectual life of the university community, there has been a tendency to exclude or silence uncongenial views.
    7. Tell-tale signs include a tendency for the eyes to glaze over and the head to nod uncontrollably up and down.
    8. Charles, 40, who commanded the ship in 1976, sometimes suffered seasickness as a result of the ship's tendency to roll heavily.
    9. To achieve a 2-3 per cent target of underlying inflation, 'we have to adjust policy to curb the natural tendency of the economy to spiral.
    10. In 1980, transplant surgeons at several hospitals began reporting promising results with a drug that stops the body's natural tendency to reject new organs.
    11. He added that a smaller fragment could have potential disadvantages, such as a tendency to be rapidly cleared from the body.
    12. My own tendency would be to emphasize the fact that we had a very bad speculative outbreak once before with most disagreeable consequences and that what happened before could happen again.
    13. And it never should be forgotten that economic projections have a tendency to be revised when confronted with reality.
    14. "The networks see now that programming that's different and a little bit chancey has a tendency to work sometimes.
    15. Fourth, there is a tendency toward exaggerated pessimism in much of what we read and hear.
    16. "I think there is a tendency today to substitute trading for investment," says former U.S. Attorney General Nicholas deB.
    17. The acting president said that when it was believed the cancer was limited to the stomach "there was a tendency to operate.
    18. By then, the Marxist tendency within the party gave way to a more pragmatic approach that tried to capture votes from the center.
    19. But he does have a tendency to react too emotionally to the ups and downs of public affairs, and he must surely be overstating the case. The Community's crisis has three facets, according to Mr Delors.
    20. Roughly three out of five respondents in both surveys also reject the idea that the employer should be able to refuse to hire workers whose tests showed an inherited tendency to cancer even if they might be exposed to cancer-causing materials on the job.
    21. Severe textbook shortages are undercutting education in urban school districts nationwide because of higher book prices, budgetary constraints and a tendency to cut books before people, educators complain.
    22. Encouraging private investors to take shares in state-owned companies could be counter-productive, as it may reduce their tendency to buy government bonds - a key part of funding the deficit.
    23. In the Samurai investigation, which was completed last Aug. 25, the agency concluded that critics of the vehicle failed to demonstrate that it has an excessive tendency to roll over.
    24. In its early history, EFTA was successful in achieving tariff reductions while avoiding the tendency to raise non-tariff barriers in their place.
    25. Romeril hesitates, and then says that, although the tendency is there, it is less strong than it used to be. At Xerox, Romeril's function is to remain broad: he is to be in charge of business strategy and business development as well as finance.
    26. Though Mr Kostikov said yesterday that Mr Yeltsin had not accepted Mr Shakhrai's resignation, he also scolded him for his 'capriciousness and tendency to accumulate too many jobs'. Mr Shakhrai later said he had had no contact with the president.
    27. Where's the courage?" What concerns Monreal is a tendency of governments to ignore the warnings of archaeologists and conservationists, who are spokesmen for the monuments and not for powerful political lobbies.
    28. The doctors speculated that if they could achieve a 50 percent reduction in the tendency to polymerize, they could significantly reduce the complications of sickle cell disease.
    29. "Grass should be cut in dry weather and in the early evening. If it is too wet from rain, dew or fog, the grass has a tendency to clump and not cut evenly.
    30. But Moline praised officers for their handling of the disturbance. "In situations like this, people have a tendency to say things that look to the public like they (police) are insensitive," he said.
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