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 telecommunications   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 电信, 通讯, 电信学

[电] 电通信

    1. The telecommunications company said the judge granted a waiver for the FTS-2000 bid, but didn't rule on whether the Bell companies would violate the consent decree by providing switching services generally.
    2. Airspace Technology was awarded a $10.7 million Navy contract to operate telecommunications equipment.
    3. In basic services, it could be Dollars 10bn in five years, say industry executives. An official of Alcatel, the telecommunications equipment maker, says: 'We believe India is the next China.
    4. ACC is a telecommunications company.
    5. Sigmaform makes products for the electrical and telecommunications industries.
    6. The company also owns a regional long-distance carrier, cellular telephone interests and a telecommunications equipment and service concern.
    7. The Cincinnati concern has been seeking to expand its telecommunications expertise into other areas of information services.
    8. Sumitomo Electric Industries makes electric wire, telecommunications cable, special steel wire, sintered alloy products and disc brakes.
    9. AT&T suspended negotiations with Britain's Cable & Wireless aimed at setting up a global alliance in international telecommunications services, say people familiar with the talks, which could resume in the summer.
    10. The bill would go further in liberalizing telecommunications exports to the Soviet Union than the administration has been willing to go.
    11. The rating concern said ITT's sale of its telecommunications business improves its financial profile.
    12. Ricardo Teran, whose family operates a retail and telecommunications conglomerate in Nicaragua, said he will return to Nicaragua next week to assess prospects of relocating permanently.
    13. Raychem is gambling that the fiber-optics technology Raynet is developing will be widely used in advanced telecommunications gear and futuristic devices such as videophones.
    14. Aril, formerly called Marcom Telecommunications Inc., sold its telecommunications business last December, leaving it without any operating business.
    15. NTT and the Japanese government have often worked together to the benefit of both, but recently, different government factions have been warring with each other and with NTT over the telecommunications giant's fate, clouding the company's future.
    16. Scientific-Atlanta is a telecommunications equipment concern that makes digital audio equipment for International Cablecasting.
    17. It will also support improvements in Mexico's telecommunications services through the privatization of Telefonos de Mexico, a government-owned company.
    18. It would end the government's legal monopoly over postal services, telecommunications, radio and television.
    19. The school customizes courses in telecommunications and teaches classes two nights a week at MCI's offices in Manhattan.
    20. The spokesman acknowledged that the company is positioning itself to take advantage of twin forces at work in the global telecommunications market: privatization and deregulation.
    21. He led Northern into the acquisition of STC, the UK telecommunications group, and forged a valuable joint venture with Matra of France. But his abrasive style and emphasis on international growth have hit Northern's core business in North America.
    22. He too believes Amsterdam will rise during 1994. Subscriptions for the partial privatisation of KPN, the state-owned telecommunications and postal company, open in early June.
    23. It has urged Oftel to delay the change from 1994 until 1996 and to review the plan from scratch. But the Telecommunications Users' Association, another user group, and BT, Britain's largest telecommunications group, strongly back the original decision.
    24. Chicago-based Telephony publishes trade magazines for the telecommunications industry.
    25. Hong Kong and Singapore are rapidly becoming world telecommunications hubs, siphoning long-distance traffic from the U.S.
    26. And he strongly favors telecommunications groups such as Teleco Cavi S.p.A.
    27. But if we look at the tertiary sector's extraordinary growth potential, the overall negotiating results for initial commitments on financial services, audiovisuals, basic telecommunications, and maritime transport were disappointing.
    28. But they cannot agree on tariffs for capital goods, telecommunications equipment and computers.
    29. The combined concern operates Hong Kong's domestic and international telephone services, as well as other telecommunications facilities, including telex and facsimile connections.
    30. The two companies are inviting other international telecommunications carriers to participate in the planning, construction and operation of the new high-capacity cable, expected to be the largest undersea telecommunication line ever constructed.
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