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 teen-age ['tin`edʒ添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 青少年的, 十几岁的少年的

    1. A teen-age girl died four days after becoming the world's first recipient of an experimental lung device, leaving behind a newborn son and a grieving hometown but hope that similar implants will save lives.
    2. The girl told friends she got the idea of putting rat poison in the sandwich from the movie "Heathers," an R-rated black comedy featuring teen-age murder and a tight clique of popular girls, King County police said.
    3. A teen-age boy is propelled by a surge in the crowd toward a young, frightened-looking policeman.
    4. A man who was killed by police after pretending to hold a teen-age girl hostage for three hours had a history of erratic behavior and family problems, said a woman who had been one of his many foster mothers.
    5. Two years ago, author Joseph Wambaugh was intrigued by newspaper accounts about how the murderer of two teen-age girls in England was discovered through a new process of identification called genetic fingerprinting.
    6. Minnesota's Republican auditor has jumped into the governor's race, taking advantage of allegations the regular GOP nominee invited teen-age girls to take a nude dip with him nine years ago.
    7. But Anthony Galde is an unmenacing teen-age villain, the kind of street punk who would have been out-of-date in the original production of "West Side Story."
    8. So perhaps the shock isn't that Felicia Morgan is charged with shooting and killing another teen-age girl with a Raven last October, but that it didn't happen sooner.
    9. Similarly, "tradition" provides no answer to teen-age pregnancy, which made its sharpest 20th-century jump during the 1950s, though the problems associated with this were obscured by the falling age of marriage.
    10. Ann Jillian will star as a widow and mother of a teen-age girl who moves from New York to California to start a new life.
    11. A 6-year-old boy died and a mother and her teen-age son were missing today.
    12. Director Joe Mantello allows the charming Melissa Joan Hart, who plays the the teen-age Valerie, to rush through her monologue, making some of it unintelligible.
    13. He was imprisoned for the kidnap and assault of two teen-age girls.
    14. A New Jersey man sought in the stabbing death of a 17-year-old boy and the abduction of a teen-age girl was captured after his car rolled over following a 65-mile chase by state police, authorities said today.
    15. This would seem to be a simple, common-sense approach to the problem of teen-age childbearing.
    16. A separate study shows that teen-age boys, as well, are not living up to their reputations.
    17. An investment banker on her regular jog through Central Park was raped and beaten unconscious by a teen-age gang that attacked two other people in a late-night crime spree, police said Thursday.
    18. The fun includes gathering mostly teen-age fans all over the country.
    19. That was after Perpich denied having anything to do with allegations that Grunseth encouraged four teen-age girls to swim nude with him at a party nine years ago.
    20. I've got a teen-age boy." In a city of just under 1 million and an estimated homosexual population of 80,000, those words sparked protests from residents and civil liberties groups.
    21. A man working as a shopping mall Santa Claus was arrested on charges that he fondled teen-age girls while they were having their pictures taken with him.
    22. She married her husband when both were teen-age revolutionaries and joined the Communist Party in 1937 in Bucharest where she worked in a textile factory.
    23. At 37, Willie Kasayulie is back home, putting the lessons of his teen-age years to use.
    24. For $2 plus toll charges, callers are allowed to participate for about two and a half minutes in confusing conversations which alternate between efforts to figure out who is on the line and the ramblings of teen-age minds.
    25. It said the teen-age suicide rate for Moscow was "closed information." In June, the weekly newspaper Arguments and Facts reported that the national suicide rate for people of all ages was about 20 per 100,000 members of the population.
    26. Advocates of Utah's pioneering statewide ban on cigarette vending machines claim a victory in their war on tobacco, citing statistics that show a modest decline in teen-age smoking.
    27. The day after the first taping, the cameras are set to roll on the second "Jane," focusing on teen-age pregnancy.
    28. A teen-age gang member on Saturday night walked into the apartment complex of Marlene Garcia, 19 and three months pregnant, and opened fire, police Sgt. Ralph Freeze said Sunday.
    29. When Mrs. Brown was on the stand, Prattis asked her if she would have let in a teen-age boy who came to the door with bruises and said he was abused.
    30. A teen-age boy who didn't want his mother to know he'd been hit by a train walked home while police searched the tracks for a body.
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