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 teachings 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The National Liberation Army is led by a defrocked priest and inspired by the teachings of Fidel Castro.
    2. Since then, militant university students have clashed with police and also attacked colleagues for organizing mixed-sex parties and excursions that they consider contrary to Islamic teachings.
    3. Jesus Christ's teachings are being ignored by those who would prevent others from seeing "The Last Temptation of Christ," says actress Barbara Hershey, the movie's Mary Magdalene.
    4. The radicals claim to be Khomeini's true heirs and accuse Rafsanjani and Khamenei of straying from Khomeini's teachings.
    5. In return, Lefebvre would have promised to be faithful to the church and the pope, and accept the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.
    6. The body of Jewish religious teachings lists other disasters said to have accurred on that day, such as the fall of Beitar, the last stronghold of anti-Roman Jewish rebels, in 135 A.D. and the creation of a Roman temple in Jerusalem a year later.
    7. King's teachings were honored Sunday in Miami as about 100 to 150 Haitian exiles staged a peaceful demonstration for democracy in their Caribbean island nation.
    8. Indeed, filial piety was seen as the root of all virtue by Confucius, whose teachings more than 2,000 years ago provided the foundation for Chinese moral standards.
    9. The family left the local Presbyterian church for the teachings of Col. Robert Thieme, a Texas preacher known for unorthodox biblical interpretations and for verbal attacks on liberals, welfare recipients, homosexuals and others.
    10. Saudi Arabia bore a particular grudge against Khomeini for the repeated attempts to politicize the annual Moslem pilgrimage to Mecca with Khomeini's teachings.
    11. After the Wall Street insider trading scandal broke in 1986, the nation's business schools, Harvard included, were criticized for not stressing ethics in their teachings of future business managers.
    12. Karl Marx thought religion was an opiate and certainly the officially atheist states that today profess to follow his teachings have shown no tendencies to forswear violence.
    13. Tension has increased over the last few years between the bishops and religion teachers, some of whom have been disciplined for advocating birth control and female priests, and taking other stands that contradict church teachings.
    14. After Hunthausen came under fire from conservatives, the Vatican in 1985 removed his authority in five areas where he was accused of diverging from church teachings, including ministry to homosexuals, liturgical matters and marriage annulments.
    15. He returned to the center Saturday, which he named the seat of his teachings in America, to perform the ceremony.
    16. And I like to encourage the women to do sports, to be on a level with the men." The advocates of exercise say they see is no conflict with the teachings of Islam.
    17. Khomeini's staunch followers, such as his only surviving son, Ahmad, an important figure in the so-called radical camp within the leadership, want no deviation from his teachings.
    18. The Marxist Unity Platform, in a manifesto published in the Communist Party daily Nepszabadsag, urged party members to break with "bourgeois and liberal distortions," and remain true to Marxist-Leninist teachings.
    19. The church long been pilloried by others Christians, allegedly for following the teachings of Nestorius, an excommunicated 5th century patriarch of Constantinople.
    20. The Church's moral teachings 'while they are to be distinguished from the assent to faith, nevertheless enlarge it'.
    21. That tension arises from different views of how to implement the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and, in Latin America, of our bishops' proclamations in Colombia in 1968.
    22. 'Mark' is a crude work, a record of miracles and deeds, with little of Jesus's teachings in them.
    23. The sect holds services in Latin and rejects the liberal teachings of the Second Vatican Council of the 1960s.
    24. A final draft is expected to be presented to the full body of U.S. bishops in November 1989 and, if approved, would become part of Catholic teachings.
    25. The protesting women wore black chadors, the cloak-like, head-to-toe robes that Islamic teachings dictate they wear in public.
    26. Approval had been delayed while the archdiocese found ways to provide AIDS education without violating its teachings against condom use, extramarital sex, homosexuality and other practices.
    27. He saw his family disintegrating and falling from their religion, but he had to do something under church teachings that he was charged with their salvation, Miller said.
    28. The group, one of many guerrilla organizations operating in Colombia, is believed to follow the teachings of China's late leader Mao Tse-tung.
    29. "We're not supporting them because it's not consistent with the teachings of the Catholic church," he said. "We doubt they'll be very successful here.
    30. The letter, released Monday, reasserted church teachings that birth control by artificial means is wrong.
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