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 target ['tɑrgɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 目标, 靶子, 指标

vt. 对准, 订指标

[化] 目标; 靶; 靶子

[医] 靶, 屏极

[经] 目标, 指标

    [ noun ]
    1. a reference point to shoot at

    2. <noun.communication>
      his arrow hit the mark
    3. a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence

    4. <noun.person>
      he fell prey to muggers
      everyone was fair game
      the target of a manhunt
    5. the location of the target that is to be hit

    6. <noun.location>
    7. sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at

    8. <noun.artifact>
    9. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)

    10. <noun.cognition>
      the sole object of her trip was to see her children
    [ verb ]
    1. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal

    2. <verb.competition> aim direct place point
      He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face
      criticism directed at her superior
      direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself

    Target \Tar"get\, n. [OF. targette, dim. of OF. & F. targe, of
    Teutonic origin; cf. AS. targe, OD. targie, G. zarge a frame,
    case, border, OHG. zarga, Icel. targa shield.]
    1. A kind of small shield or buckler, used as a defensive
    weapon in war.

    (a) A butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to
    test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a
    (b) The pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by
    a marksman on a butt or mark; as, he made a good

    3. (Surveying) The sliding crosspiece, or vane, on a leveling

    4. (Railroad) A conspicuous disk attached to a switch lever
    to show its position, or for use as a signal.

    5. A thin cut; a slice; specif., of lamb, a piece consisting
    of the neck and breast joints. [Eng.]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    6. A tassel or pendent; also, a shred; tatter. [Obs. Scot.]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    7. A goal for an activity; as, the target of this year's
    fundraising drive is 2 million dollars.

    8. A metallic object toward which a beam of electrons is
    aimed in a tube designed to generate X-rays; when the
    electrons strike the target, the impact causes emission of

    9. Any object toward which a beam of photons, a laser beam,
    an electron beam, or a beam of atomic or subatomic
    particles is aimed.

    10. A person who is the subject of criticism or ridicule.

    1. Turco said the study assumes that in even a small nuclear exchange the primary target would be oil and gas storage areas because such material is vital to military defense.
    2. BAA, the operator of Britain's seven biggest airports, is offering 455 pence ($8.13) a share for the 80.2% of Lynton it didn't own before making its bid May 16, valuing the target company at #220 million ($393 million).
    3. Takeover investor Harold Simmons said the Securities and Exchange Commission was investigating his stock purchases in target Georgia Gulf Corp.
    4. Then its council is scheduled to review progress towards meeting this year's target.
    5. Parkin, a known target of the Pentagon procurement probe, had been employed by the Navy's Joint Cruise Missile Project Office from 1977 to 1983.
    6. 'US exports during the past five years are the most frequent target of dumping actions in other countries,' said Congressman Bill Archer a Republican on the ways and means committee.
    7. The officials, all speaking on condition of anonymity, said they had heard unconfirmed reports that the Colombian minister's 3-year-old son, who accompanied her from Bogota, was the target of a death threat.
    8. But National Power is sticking to its target of reducing dividend cover from 3.3 times to 2.5 times by 1995. Working capital is being released as surplus coal stocks are run down, so there is hardly a shortage of cash.
    9. One target is Helicobacter pylori, an important cause of peptic ulcers. Magainin Pharmaceutical, based in Pennsylvania, is focusing on defensive peptides which frogs secrete from their skins.
    10. It's too - it's the best question, right on target, one that we were discussing inside.
    11. Mr. Blair said Nova has already reduced its debt by roughly C$1 billion, which was its target for the 15 months ending Dec. 31, partly by applying proceeds of C$456 million from a recent rights offering.
    12. Founded in 1961, the Texas company analyzes demographic data so that its clients, including insurance companies and charities, can better target their direct-mail audiences.
    13. In a leveraged buyout, a company is acquired mainly with borrowed funds that are repaid with the target company's cash flow or by the sale of its assets.
    14. Voice of Lebanon, the radio station of the Christian Phalange party, said the nearness to the six-story embassy building suggested it was the target.
    15. His target range for the dollar against the Japanese currency runs between 128 and 135 yen.
    16. Repayment would be based on, perhaps, commodity prices or a general economic growth target.
    17. Bieber said the proposals from the Big Three would figure heavily in the union's selection of a target company.
    18. Once more the target date for final ratification has been postponed; by now it is clear that all target dates are largely fictitious; once more the government is using the Danes as an excuse for running away from the treaty.
    19. Once more the target date for final ratification has been postponed; by now it is clear that all target dates are largely fictitious; once more the government is using the Danes as an excuse for running away from the treaty.
    20. She said the disabled have an estimated $40 billion a year in spending power, an appealing target for manufacturers who have shown keener interest in getting messages to narrowly defined audiences.
    21. Export sales in the year to March 1994 were Dollars 8bn, reflecting a 21 per cent growth over the previous year. The ministry of textiles is confident that the Dollars 9bn target for the current year will be achieved.
    22. Mr. Lawson suggested that Britain no longer has a precise target range for the pound.
    23. The university's chief administrator, Rector Jakes Gerwel, says the campus will be "an intellectual home for the left." Tutu has been the target of government wrath for years because of his support of sanctions.
    24. They're our main target," bureau director John Savich said Tuesday.
    25. Given stable commodity prices, he suggests, it may be a good idea to tighten credit so that "monetary policy grows at the midpoint" of the target ranges.
    26. Grumman has said it isn't a target of a continuing grand jury investigation in Brooklyn.
    27. A Soviet trawler was warned away from the area as the unarmed missile was fired off Cape Canaveral at an undisclosed target in the Atlantic.
    28. Rather than pursue the Rainbow Coalition, the Dukakis campaign seems prepared to target the "Reagan Democrats."
    29. If the government's approach to monetary control is as wishy-washy as this, how seriously can we take the target for underlying inflation?
    30. In any event, all sides have agreed that any deficit accord would have to include a change in the Gramm-Rudman deficit target.
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