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 syllogism ['sɪlə`dʒɪzəm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 三段论, 推论, 演绎

[计] 三段论

    [ noun ]
    deductive reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from two premises

    Syllogism \Syl"lo*gism\, n. [OE. silogisme, OF. silogime,
    sillogisme, F. syllogisme, L. syllogismus, Gr. syllogismo`s a
    reckoning all together, a reasoning, syllogism, fr.
    syllogi`zesqai to reckon all together, to bring at once
    before the mind, to infer, conclude; sy`n with, together +
    logi`zesqai to reckon, to conclude by reasoning. See {Syn-},
    and {Logistic}, {Logic}.] (Logic)
    The regular logical form of every argument, consisting of
    three propositions, of which the first two are called the
    premises, and the last, the conclusion. The conclusion
    necessarily follows from the premises; so that, if these are
    true, the conclusion must be true, and the argument amounts
    to demonstration;

    Note: as in the following example:
    Every virtue is laudable; Kindness is a
    virtue; Therefore kindness is laudable.
    These propositions are denominated
    respectively the major premise, the minor premise, and
    the conclusion.

    Note: If the premises are not true and the syllogism is
    regular, the reasoning is valid, and the conclusion,
    whether true or false, is correctly derived.

    1. For you to conclude that a decision declaring regulations void for vagueness permits harassment of women by the homeless is a syllogism unworthy of a great and respected newspaper.
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