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 swagger ['swægә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 大摇大摆, 吹牛, 妄自尊大, 威吓

vi. 虚张声势吓人, 大摇大摆, 吹牛

vt. 吓唬, 恫吓

a. 漂亮的, 时髦的

    [ noun ]
    1. an itinerant Australian laborer who carries his personal belongings in a bundle as he travels around in search of work

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a proud stiff pompous gait

    4. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others

    2. <verb.motion> cock prance ruffle sashay strut tittup
      He struts around like a rooster in a hen house
    3. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate

    4. <verb.communication>
      browbeat bully
    5. act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner

    6. <verb.body>
      bluster swash
    [ adj ]
    1. (British informal) very chic

    2. <adj.all>
      groovy clothes

    Swagger \Swag"ger\, n.
    The act or manner of a swaggerer.

    He gave a half swagger, half leer, as he stepped forth
    to receive us. --W. Irving.

    Swagger \Swag"ger\, n.
    A swagman. [Australia]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    Swagger \Swag"ger\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Swaggered}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Swaggering}.] [Freq. of swag.]
    1. To walk with a swaying motion; hence, to walk and act in a
    pompous, consequential manner.

    A man who swaggers about London clubs.

    2. To boast or brag noisily; to be ostentatiously proud or
    vainglorious; to bluster; to bully.

    What a pleasant it is . . . to swagger at the bar!

    To be great is not . . . to swagger at our footmen.

    Swagger \Swag"ger\, v. t.
    To bully. [R.] --Swift.

    Swagman \Swag"man\, n.
    A bushman carrying a swag and traveling on foot; -- called
    also {swagsman}, {swagger}, and {swaggie}.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    Once a jolly swagman sat beside a billabong
    Under the shade of a coolibah tree.
    And he sang as he sat and watched his billy boiling,
    `Who'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me?' --[Waltzing
    Matilda, an

    1. When "Scharlie" Schar and another skinhead in green bomber jackets swagger into the social-welfare office here, Marion Praetorius is waiting for them.
    2. As played by a fascinating and forceful actor named Peter Stormare, this Hamlet arrives with a Marlon Brando swagger and a Norman Bates psychosis.
    3. "I'm basically always optimistic," he said. "I feel sure that we can develop appropriate solutions, although it may take a lot of work." The 1990 Audi V8 Quattro is as close to a swagger as the folks at Audi get.
    4. Showing little of the swagger that characterizes his syndicated talk show, Downey dueled a former lawyer for the Federal Communications Commission on Monday on government regulation of broadcasting.
    5. Months after invading dozens of expensive berths at posh Pier 39 Marina, the huge, barking sea lions with bad breath continue to swagger around their self-declared spa on San Francisco Bay.
    6. For many Haga reservists, who never expected a conflict to arise that they would be involved in, the war has put a swagger in their step.
    7. Mr. Burns's sense of humor wouldn't surprise anyone who'd watched his witty jive during the team match, when he put on a pair of shades and a Presleyan swagger.
    8. For years he's played a real-life game of Monopoly with such swagger that it seemed the stakes were play money.
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