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 superscribe [`supɚ'skraɪb]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 在外面写上姓名, 在顶端写上姓名, 写信封, 把姓名、地址写在(包裹)上

    [ verb ]
    1. write on the top or outside

    2. <verb.creation>
      superscribe one's name and address
    3. write on the outside or upper part of

    4. <verb.creation>
      superscribe an envelope

    Superscribe \Su`per*scribe"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Superscribed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Superscribing}.] [L.
    superscribere, superscriptum; super over + scribere to write.
    See {Super-}, and {Scribe}.]
    To write or engrave (a name, address, inscription, or the
    like) on the top or surface; to write a name, address, or the
    like, on the outside or cover of (anything); as, to
    superscribe a letter.

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