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 sulky ['sʌlkɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 生气的, 阴沉的

    sulkier, sulkiest
    [ noun ]
    1. a light two-wheeled vehicle for one person; drawn by one horse

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ adj ]
    1. sullen or moody

    2. <adj.all>
    3. moving slowly

    4. <adj.all>
      a sluggish stream
    5. depressingly dark

    6. <adj.all>
      the gloomy forest
      the glooming interior of an old inn
      `gloomful' is archaic

    Sulky \Sulk"y\, a. [Compar. {Sulkier}; superl. {Sulkiest}.] [See
    {Sulkiness}, and cf. {Sulky}, n.]
    Moodly silent; sullen; sour; obstinate; morose; splenetic.

    Syn: See {Sullen}.

    Sulky \Sulk"y\, n.; pl. {Sulkies}. [From {Sulky}, a.; -- so
    called from the owner's desire of riding alone.]
    A light two-wheeled carriage for a single person.

    Note: Sulky is used adjectively in the names of several
    agricultural machines drawn by horses to denote that
    the machine is provided with wheels and a seat for the
    driver; as, sulky plow; sulky harrow; sulky rake, etc.

    1. With Claire Powell's sultry, sulky Maddalena and Francisco Araiza's ducal spiv, it seemed likely enough.
    2. Little wonder that some of the high-fliers grew sulky when their multimillion-dollar bonuses were halved because another part of the firm was sputtering.
    3. The result is a European Union in name more than substance: divided, sulky, and offering more difficulties than attractions to potential new members in the east.
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