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 sufficient [sə'fɪʃənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 充分的, 足够的

[法] 充分的, 足够的

    [ adj ]
    of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant
    sufficient food

    Sufficient \Suf*fi"cient\, a. [L. sufficiens, -entis, p. pr. of
    sufficere: cf. F. suffisant. See {Suffice}.]
    1. Equal to the end proposed; adequate to wants; enough;
    ample; competent; as, provision sufficient for the family;
    an army sufficient to defend the country.

    My grace is sufficient for thee. --2 Cor. xii.

    2. Possessing adequate talents or accomplishments; of
    competent power or ability; qualified; fit.

    Who is sufficient for these things? --2 Cor. ii.

    3. Capable of meeting obligations; responsible.

    The man is, notwithstanding, sufficient . . . I
    think I may take his bond. --Shak.

    4. Self-sufficient; self-satisfied; content. [R.]

    Thou art the most sufficient (I'll say for thee),
    Not to believe a thing. --Beau. & Fl.

    Syn: Enough; adequate; competent; full; satisfactory; ample.

    1. It is unreasonable to expect weapons manufacturers to pay a larger share of tooling costs, for example, if the services cannot guarantee sufficient annual sales.
    2. The bill passed the lower house of the Diet earlier this month, but the ruling Liberal Demoratic Party lacks a majority in the upper house and couldn't enlist sufficient opposition support for the measure.
    3. He also said he wanted to acquire sophisticated weaponry sufficient at least to equal Israel.
    4. Mr. Lee is expected to try to do this at the ruling party's congress in July by persuading a sufficient number of elderly members of the KMT old guard to retire.
    5. In addition, the lobbying muscle of AT&T and other phone companies has proven sufficient to stifle legislation aimed against them.
    6. The U.S. official doubted this would be sufficient to conclude a strategic-arms treaty before the end of the Reagan administration.
    7. He felt the oath that he had taken as vice president was sufficient to assume the office of president, but in order to forestall any problems, he took a second oath.
    8. A single application to a co-ordinator in one of the countries will be sufficient for all four.
    9. It argues that the cap at 1986 levels would be sufficient to head off a depletion problem and spur industry to develop adequate substitutes far less threatening to the ozone layer.
    10. "It's not clear to me that this approach will provide sufficient deterrence, nor is it apparent that it responds adequately to clients, since it provides no direct remedies to them," says Deborah Rhode, a professor of legal ethics at Stanford Law School.
    11. Stocks at producers and the exchange are only sufficient to supply the needs of consumers for six weeks, says Robin Bhar, metals analyst in London for Rudolf Wolff & Co., commodity brokers.
    12. The Massachusetts governor spent four days campaigning in Ohio and Indiana, but figured only a two-day swing through next week's primary states in West Virginia and Nebraska would be sufficient to move them into his column.
    13. The case against him, lacking sufficient evidence for a retrial, was dropped.
    14. Against the background of his belief that he had two years from the winding up to make his application, sufficient explanation for the delay had been given. With regard to the inaccuracies, this was public interest litigation.
    15. Coniston, a partnership that was instrumental in the breakup of Allegis Corp., also indicated Thursday it might seek representation on Gillette's board of directors if the company did not take sufficient steps to boost its stock price.
    16. He said that was sufficient to undermine the prosecution's credibility.
    17. "I think for what general motors got, the economic package was not sufficient," Kelly said.
    18. About 30 percent of all shares were left unpriced at the end of the session due to lack of sufficient sell orders to match buy orders, traders said.
    19. A jury found that the city school district should be held legally liable for what it found to be violations of Jett's rights, but the appeals court ruled that the jury "did not make sufficient findings to support municipal liability."
    20. The latter Mr Attali's plans to cut costs were modest in relation to the scale of Air France's problems, yet they were still sufficient to provoke the implacable opposition of the unions.
    21. But Mr. Silber argues that the "discipline" imposed on state government by a Silber administration would be sufficient to control costs.
    22. "Twelve infants were sufficient to show us this is not a feasible technique or solution" to the infant organ shortage, said Dr. Joyce Peabody, Loma Linda's chief of neonatology.
    23. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, writing for the court, said there were sufficient factors to lead agents to reasonably suspect Sokolow was engaged in criminal activity.
    24. The new plans include sufficient provision to sustain police numbers, taking account of the savings to come from the Sheehy reforms.
    25. Now, Treverton said, the question for the short term is whether East Germany will produce economic and political reforms sufficient "to build for itself some legitimacy."
    26. State and local anti-drug programs _ begun with such promise just two years ago _ could be crippled or even killed unless the federal government provides sufficient money, officials say.
    27. The executor can be held personally liable if, for example, assets are depleted without leaving sufficient amounts to pay taxes.
    28. Lacking sufficient capital, United must lease rather than purchase badly needed new aircraft.
    29. "There is sufficient information to cause me to believe that she needs to come forward and discuss these issues in a public forum," Mattox told a news conference.
    30. "Sales and earnings gains from writing instruments and shavers, plus reduced losses in perfume, were not sufficient to offset" these losses, he said.
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