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 subliminal [sʌb'lɪmənl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 下意识的, 潜在意识的

[医] 阈下的, 限下的

    [ adj ]
    below the threshold of conscious perception

    Subliminal \Sub*lim"i*nal\, a. [Pref. sub- + L. limen
    1. (Philos.) Existing in the mind, but below the surface or
    threshold of consciousness; that is, existing as feeling
    rather than as clear ideas.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    2. having or using an intensity of sensory stimulus
    insufficient to be perceived consciously, but having an
    effect on unconscious mental processes; as, subliminal

    Note: The existence of such an effect is still not
    universally accepted.

    1. Mossinghoff acknowledged that "a subliminal purpose (for the press conference) is to let elder Americans know that it is important for the FDA to have adequate funding" to review these new drugs.
    2. But the art work shows a gun lying on a table. "Some of the senior staff believed the message was subliminal," telling children it's OK to have guns left out, Harris said.
    3. Their families sued Judas Priest and CBS Records for $6.2 million in damages, claiming the subliminal messages were on the album and influenced their sons' actions.
    4. Members of the British rock group Judas Priest are on trial in Reno, Nev., charged with inserting subliminal messages into their songs that led two youths to attempt suicide.
    5. The band is recovering from a recent Nevada court battle, which questioned whether subliminal messages exist on their 1978 album, "Stained Class," and ultimately prompted two young men to enter a suicide pact.
    6. "What is the subliminal message that they're trying to get across here?" she said.
    7. Additional defense witnesses countered that the whole idea of auditory subliminal messages is nonsense because it is impossible to record below the frequency of "white noise," a low hissing found on all recordings.
    8. But subliminal tapes, he concluded, "are clearly health fraud.
    9. "What pushed the boys over the edge to eternity was the subliminal push," Vivian Lynch, the Vance family's attorney, said during opening arguments Monday. "This was not a suicide.
    10. Halford earlier gave a 10-second a cappella demonstration of his vocal style, using "Better by You, Better Than Me," a song the families claim contains subliminal messages that led their sons to shoot themselves in a suicide pact.
    11. "This is very hard for me to talk about because it's all kind of subliminal," she says with a laugh.
    12. Lead singer Rob Halford and guitarist Glenn Tipton said their court victory, clearing them of deliberately placing the subliminal messages on the album, was bittersweet.
    13. But courts have not spoken to the issue of subliminal messages.
    14. "I was wondering if there was some kind of subliminal message behind it," downtown commuter Ralph Pujol said after hearing an electronic "cha cha" and some tribal music. "It's definitely strange, but it's strange in a neat way.
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