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 steroid ['stɪrɔɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 类固醇

[化] 甾族化合物

[医] 甾, 甾族(化学), 类固醇(生化)

    [ noun ]
    1. any of several fat-soluble organic compounds having as a basis 17 carbon atoms in four rings; many have important physiological effects

    2. <noun.substance>
    3. any hormone affecting the development and growth of sex organs

    4. <noun.substance>

    1. Doctors prescribed the steroid prednisone to treat her eyes, resorting to radiation treatments when the drugs had no effect.
    2. Treatment with a powerful steroid, prednisone, has failed to correct the eye disorder, so doctors are using low-intensity radiation aimed at swelling in the small muscles that control the eyes as the next therapy.
    3. Peterson, who died Sunday, teamed with other scientists to use microorganisms to produce the steroid, used to treat a variety of infections.
    4. Officials announced March 30 that a study had found the steroid therapy effective, but a consumer health group complained that nearly two weeks later many emergency-room and trauma-care physicians still did not know enough about the treatment to use it.
    5. It took Upjohn, a leader in steroid products, two years to realize that the culprit was the cortisol property in Solu-Medrol.
    6. He adds: "I've heard about the steroid testing programs in the colleges and pros, but I'm not convinced they're effective.
    7. "NFL owners can't grasp this problem," Fralic said. "They haven't been living in the middle of the steroid madness.
    8. Harvard psychologist Harrison Pope has documented cases of full-blown psychosis, including paranoia and delusions, that followed steroid use.
    9. Lewis told members of the House Judiciary Committee's crime subcommittee he felt certain that other medal winners also were steroid users.
    10. Half of the patients receiving the maximum five million units of interferon also had been pretreated with a steroid hormone that had shown some benefit in other forms of hepatitis.
    11. Jenkins, who also faces five years probation and a $75,000 fine, pleaded guilty in November 1987 to involvement in a multimillion-dollar steroid ring that brought the muscle-building drug into the United States from Mexico.
    12. But the eye symptoms have persisted despite treatment with prednisone, a powerful steroid.
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